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本苗圃现低价供应下列1~2年生小苗:香樟、大叶樟、池杉、水杉、国外松、杉苗、杜鹃、红檵木、桂花、马尾松等。长期求购胸径15~80厘米的下列绿化苗木:香樟、大叶樟、桂花、栾树、玉兰、重阳木、银杏、腊树(大叶女贞)、合欢、红果冬青等。能送货者优先考虑,欢迎有意愿合作者来人来电联系。联系人:宁乡县杨氏联合苗圃杨旭辉(农艺师)手机:13907490024 QQ:1146270307地址:宁乡县城一环南路 The nursery is now available for the following 1 to 2 years old seedlings: camphor, camphor tree, Ipomoea, Metasequoia, foreign pine, fir seedlings, rhododendron, red alder, osmanthus, pine and so on. Long-term Buy diameter of 15 to 80 centimeters of the following green seedlings: camphor, big leaf camphor, sweet-scented osmanthus, Koelreuteria panicum, Magnolia, Chongyang wood, ginkgo, wax tree (Ligustrum lucidum), Acacia, red holly and so on. Can give priority to the delivery, welcome to cooperate willing to call 来人 calls. Contact: Ningxiang County Joint Young Nursery Yang Xuhui (agronomist) Mobile: 13907490024 QQ: 1146270307 Address: Ningxiang County, a South Ring Road
1.IntroductionTheelasticsolidandviscousliquidaretwoextremesituationsforidealmechanicalmodels.Thereexistsagreatlywiderangebetw... 1. IntroductionThelasticsolidandviscousliquidaretwoextremesituationsforidealmechanicalmodels. Thereexistsagreatlywiderangebet
The angular spectrum gain characters and the power magnification characters of high gain non-walk-off colinear optical parametric oscillators have been studied
A novel optically controlled SiCGe/SiC heterojunction transistor with charge-compensation technique has been simulated by using commercial simulator.This paper