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时间:2006年5月28日-6月3日地点:中国·西安主办单位:中国电工技术学会电力电子学会西安交通大学电气工程学院电力电子与新能源研究中心《电源技术应用》编辑部王兆安西安交通大学教授、博导,在日本大阪大学访问研究并获工学博士学位,曾任西安交通大学电气工程学院院长。主要研究方向为电力电子变流技术、电能质量控制技术。出版多部专著,在国内外发表论文400余篇。主持完成多项国家自然科学基金项目。获省部级科技进步一等奖1项,三等奖3项。现任教育部高等学校电气工程及其自动化专业教学指导分委员会主任,中国电源学会理事长,中国电工技术学会电力电子学会副理事长兼学术委员会主任,《电源技术应用》编委会主任。陈坚华中科技大学教授、博导。1980年-1982年在加拿大多伦多大学做电力电子技术与电力传动控制研究。从事电气工程、电力电子技术与电力传动自动化教学、科研工作,发表论文100多篇,编写教材4本:《船舶电力系统暂态分析》《固态变流电源》《交流电机数字模型及调速系统》《电力电子学-电力电子变换和控制》。现为华中科技大学国防科技研究院总工程师。美国IEEE高级会员,《电源技术应用》编委。沙斐北京交通大学教授、博导。1967年复旦大学毕业,先后在英国约克大学和美国密苏里-罗拉大学做访问学者,现任北京交通大学抗电磁干扰研究中心主任。从事电磁兼容理论及实践的教学和研究,主持国家自然科学基金项目21项,在国内外发表论文60篇,出版专著3部。现为IEEE/EMCNewsletter文摘委员会中国委员、中国实验室国家认可委电磁兼容技术分委会副主任、全国无线电干扰标准化技术委员会Ⅰ分委会副主任、中国电源学会电磁兼容专委会主任委员。《电源技术应用》编委。杨旭西安交通大学电气工程学院教授、博士,1994年毕业于西安交通大学工业自动化专业,1999年获得博士学位后留校任教。2001年晋升副教授,2004年晋升教授。出版学术专著1本,已发表论文40余篇,获省科技进步一等奖1项、发明专利1项。研究方向:开关电源技术、逆变器技术、电力电子在新能源发电中的应用、分布式电源系统、特种电源技术,《电源技术应用》编委。丁道宏1952年清华大学毕业,历任南京航空航天大学教授,自动控制系主任,电气工程研究所所长。研究方向:新型航空电源,功率变换器的软开关技术等。主持和参与多项航空电源的研究,研制的大功率变换器已成功应用在飞机上,为我国第一套具有自主知识产权的航空电源。两次荣立航空部二等功。任中国航空工业总公司基础科学专家委员会委员,担任《中国大百科全书》航空航天卷仪表设备分支副主编。中国电源学会第三届理事长,《电源技术学报》编委会主任,《电源技术应用》编委会顾问。企业从事了4年的开关电源研发工作,2000年后从事PI公司产品的推广和应用工作。对反激,正激电源有丰富的理论和实践经验,对开关电源EMI的产生机理、抑制方法有着深刻的理解和多年的实践方法。 Time: May 28 - June 3, 2006 Venue: Xi’an, China Host: Institute of Power Electronics, China Institute of Electrotechnical Society Department of Power Electronics and New Energy Research Center, School of Electrical Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong University Xi’an, China Jiaotong University professor, Ph.D., visiting and research doctor degree at Osaka University in Japan, former Dean of School of Electrical Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong University. The main research direction for power electronic converter technology, power quality control technology. He has published more than 400 monographs and published more than 400 papers at home and abroad. Presided over the completion of a number of National Natural Science Fund projects. By the provincial and ministerial level scientific and technological progress award 1, third prize 3. IncumbentEducationDepartment of electrical engineering and automation teaching guidance of the subcommittee, director of China Power Association, China Electrotechnical Society vice president of power electronics and academic committee director, “Power Technology Application” editorial director. Chen Jian Huazhong University of Science and Technology Professor, Ph.D. 1980 - 1982 University of Toronto, Canada do power electronics and power transmission control. Engaged in electrical engineering, power electronics and electric drive automation teaching, scientific research work, published more than 100 papers, the preparation of textbooks 4: “Ship Power System Transient Analysis” “solid state variable current power supply” “AC motor digital model and speed control system ”Power Electronics - Power Electronics Conversion and Control.“ Now Huazhong University of Science and Technology National Defense Institute chief engineer. American IEEE senior member, ”Power Technology Application“ editorial board. Sha Fei Beijing Jiaotong University Professor, Ph.D. He graduated from Fudan University in 1967 and was a visiting scholar at York University in the United Kingdom and the University of Missouri-Loral in the United States. He is currently the director of the Anti-electromagnetic Interference Research Center of Beijing Jiaotong University. Engaged in the theory and practice of electromagnetic compatibility teaching and research, presided over the National Natural Science Foundation projects 21, published 60 papers at home and abroad, published 3 monographs. He is currently a member of IEEE / EMC Newsletter Abstracts Committee in China, deputy director of the Sub-Committee of China National Accreditation Service for EMC Technology, deputy director of the Sub-Committee on Radio Interference Standardization Technical Committee I, and chairman of the Electromagnetic Compatibility Committee of China Power Association. ”Power Technology Application“ Editorial Board. Yang Xu Xi’an Jiaotong University, School of Electrical Engineering Professor, Ph.D., graduated from Xi’an Jiaotong University in 1994 industrial automation, received his doctorate in 1999 after school to teach. In 2001 promoted to associate professor, in 2004 promoted to professor. Published a monograph 1, has published more than 40 papers, the provincial science and technology progress award 1, 1 invention patents. Research Interests: switching power supply technology, inverter technology, power electronics in the new energy power generation applications, distributed power systems, special power technology, ”Power Technology Application“ Editorial Board. Dingdao Hong graduated from Tsinghua University in 1952 and served successively as a professor at Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, director of the Department of Automatic Control and director of the Institute of Electrical Engineering. Research Interests: New Aero Power, Soft-Switching Technology for Power Converters. Chaired and participated in a number of aviation power research, development of high-power converter has been successfully applied to the aircraft, as China’s first set of independent intellectual property rights with the aviation power supply. Two times the Ministry of Aviation awarded second class. Ren China Aviation Industry Corporation Basic Science Expert Committee, as ”China Encyclopedia“ aerospace volume instrumentation equipment branch deputy editor. China Power Association third director, ”Power Technology Journal“ editorial director, ”Power Technology Application" editorial board consultant. Enterprises engaged in 4 years of switching power supply research and development work, PI company in 2000 after the promotion and application of products. On the flyback, the forward power has a wealth of theoretical and practical experience on the switching power supply EMI generation mechanism, the suppression method has a profound understanding and years of practice.
2000年3~4月在山东省四个用药情况不同的保护地番茄上采集灰霉病病果,在室内进行了番茄灰霉菌(Botrytis cinerea)对三种不同类型杀菌剂的抗性监测,明确了各抗性曲株的抗性频率、抗