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2009年12月8日,农药行业管理与发展专家座谈会召开。与会的行业管理者和专家一致认为,农药行业度过了近十年来最困难的一年,明年行业将出现整体向好的趋势。“2009年是农药产业发展最困难的一年。”农业部农药检定所所长张延秋在会上对今年农药产业发展形势进行了总结,并对明年的农药行业发展及 December 8, 2009, the pesticide industry management and development expert forum was held. Industry managers and experts attending the meeting agreed that the pesticide industry has spent the most difficult year in nearly a decade and that there will be an overall favorable trend for the industry next year. “2009 is the most difficult year for the development of pesticide industry ” Zhang Yanqiu, director of the Ministry of Agriculture pesticide test at the meeting on the development of pesticide industry this year were summarized, and next year’s pesticide industry development and
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