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  The phenomenon known as #NBArank did not exist back in the fall of 1992, so Dominique Wilkins was spared from the sensation of seeing his phone and Twitter account flooded with messages about how an evil website just dunked his name, without warning, from No. 6 to No. 25 in the game’s most prominent player rating system.

  “I’d have been livid,” Wilkins tells ESPN. com.
  “They must be out of their minds. What are you judging him on? Judge him after he comes back from his injury. It’s a little premature for them to start judging him already.”
  Now a broadcaster and executive with the Atlanta Hawks after his Hall of Fame career as the the inimitable Human Highlight Film, Wilkins knows better than anyone on the NBA map what awaits Bryant in his forthcoming return from a torn left Achilles. Which is why Nique also surely knows deep down that not even Bryant -- widely considered one of the 10 greatest players in history no matter how he fared in #NBArank 2013 -- would be granted that sort of courtesy.
  Wilkins knows because he certainly wasn’t, either. Few thought he could recover to the standard he did 20-odd years ago when, more than two years younger than Bryant is now, he shredded his right Achilles on Jan. 28, 1992.
  “I was carried off the floor; I couldn’t walk off,” Wilkins recalls. “That’s how bad mine was. I never felt that kind of pain. I’ve had broken bones, torn knee and all that stuff, but an Achilles tendon tear is horrific.
  “Everybody said my career was done.‘He’s done, stick a fork in him.’ I heard everything. They either said I wouldn’t come back, or if I did come back, there was no way I would ever be the same.”
  The doomsday talk, to be fair, was not without justification, because Achilles tendon tears have historically been harder to bounce back from for NBA players than any knee injury you wish to nominate. Research by ESPN’s Kevin Pelton, in a piece he wrote for Basketball Prospectus after Chauncey Billups tore his left Achilles in February 2012, confirmed that Wilkins’ feat in making two more All-Star teams and playing until age 39 after suffering his Achilles rupture at 32 is an extreme rarity.   平心而论,这种末日论并非没有合理根据。从历史上看,对于NBA球员来说,比起任何膝盖伤病,跟腱撕裂都更难恢复。当昌西·比卢普斯在2012年2月出现左脚跟腱撕裂后,在ESPN的凯文·佩尔顿写给《篮球说明》的一篇文章中证实,像威尔金斯这种在32岁出现跟腱撕裂的伤病后,还能再入选两次全明星、并且打到39岁的情况,实属个案。
  Yet there’s nothing you can say to convince Wilkins that Bryant, whenever we see him this season, isn’t about to make his own history-defying grand return. Ditto for another all-time great we consulted who has first-hand knowledge of what it’s like to feel that unspeakable pop when one’s heel completely collapses: Isiah Thomas.
  Neither Nique nor Zeke② are doctors ... and only one of those two continued to play at a high level after Achilles surgery. But both Wilkins and Thomas believe that sheer will --something Bryant obviously has in abundance-- is the biggest factor in determining whether an NBA player can carry on after such a devastating setback.
  “If anybody can come back, Kobe can,”Wilkins says. “And I’ll tell you why I say that: He’s one of the most competitive guys that I’ve ever met. He’s one of those guys that competes on a level like Jordan, Bird and Magic. He has that type of tenacity, that type of attitude, where he’s not going to let anybody tell him what he can’t do. It all depends on the person, how determined and how dedicated you are on working and training to get it back the way it was.
  “It’s a hard injury. It’s a time-consuming injury. But that’s how I was; I’m just a determined and competitive guy. I’m not going to let anybody tell me what I can’t do. I looked at the critics as another opponent that I had to compete with. And I’m one of those guys who loves to accept the challenge. Maybe that’s the difference.”
  Said Thomas: “Devastating is the correct word. It is a devastating injury. Had I come back and played, I’m sure it would have affected my speed, jumping ability, quickness and so forth and so on. I was older, so I had lost some of that anyway.

  “But I would never bet against Kobe. Because what Kobe still has that I didn’t have at the end of my career is that hunger. When you listen to Kobe talk ... you still hear and see a hunger that, frankly, I just didn’t have at that point.”
  Wilkins is resolute in his stance even after brother Gerald was felled by the same injury at 31 and reduced to playing parts of four more seasons after missing all of the 1994-95 schedule. He remains undaunted even when informed that Bryant, who turned 35 in August, has already played more games and logged more minutes pre-injury than Wilkins did in his entire NBA career.
  The additional mileage on Kobe’s legs, as covered in this accompanying story here, is staggering. But Nique was back on the floor 283 days after his tear and doesn’t sound as though he’ll be surprised if Kobe makes it back quicker. That’s even though NBA medical experts say that, while Achilles rehab practices are faster and more efficient than they were in Wilkins’ day, surgical procedures to repair such tears really haven’t changed much.
  “I don’t care how advanced the medicine gets,” Wilkins said. “It depends on the person and how determined they are to be the same."
  Wilkins, though, does acknowledge that Bryant is going to have to work through some initial fears of re-injury (“I was nervous at first”) in terms of trusting that heel again. Wilkins says he’ll also have to “develop some patience,” more than he’s ever had before, because Nique remembers needing “close to a year before you feel you can play on a level you once played.”
  The only concern coming from Thomas, meanwhile, is likewise on the mental side. The reason he didn’t attempt a comeback from his own Achilles tear is because Isiah had already announced his retirement before suffering the injury, revealing his plans to move into the Toronto Raptors’ front office instead of trying to play on at age 33 and at a couple notches below his 1990 NBA Finals MVP peak. So he’s naturally curious to see how Kobe will cope if “this injury makes him drop down to where he’s not a superior athlete.”   与此同时,托马斯唯一担心的,同样也在精神层面。之所以当初跟腱撕裂后没有试着复出,是因为伊赛亚·托马斯在受伤前已经宣布了自己的退役决定,他没有选择在33岁高龄、而且已经不复1990年拿到总决赛MVP那时的巅峰状态下重回赛场,而是计划好加入多伦多猛龙队的管理层。所以他很自然地对科比的状态充满好奇,他想看看科比如何面对“这种使他不再是顶级运动员的伤病”。
  “The game wasn’t much fun for me when I couldn’t dominate my opponent,” Thomas says. “If I was getting 14 points and like seven or eight assists, that wasn’t fun. And if I couldn’t dominate the opponent and dominate the game, I didn’t enjoy it. And I sure as hell didn’t enjoy being dominated. So it’s going to be interesting to see if Kobe can accept some nights, with this injury, not being dominant against players he normally dominates.
  “I don’t think he can ever be satisfied with being a 17, 18-point scorer in this league. It’s crazy to say, but unfortunately that’s how the great ones think. When they drop down from 26 to 17 or 16 [points per game], those guys are devastated. And people look at you differently. So if he’s not dominating, he may have physically come back from the injury, but mentally can he come back from the injury?”
  Yet when you press Thomas for a prediction, there is no hesitation.
  “Yes,” Isiah says.
  As in: Thomas, too, thinks Kobe will rebound strongly and gradually look Kobeesque again regardless of the overwhelming anecdotal and numerical evidence stacked against him.
  “I went through that same exact crap,”Wilkins added, referring to all the doubters.“And then when I came back and saw the same critics, they said, ‘We knew you could do it.’ Yeah, sure.
  “It’s just amazing to me [to see Bryant at No. 25 in #NBArank] just out of respect for who he is and what he’s done. I think he can and will come back from this.
  “I don’t know if I’d put my house on anybody; I kind of like my house,” Wilkins said with a laugh. “But I would bet that he’ll come back and be Kobe. He’ll be The Mamba.”
黄律尧:放眼世界 壮大自己  要达成一个理想,当中一定有不少阻力,遇上逆境,有人会从此一蹶不振,也有人可以在哪里跌倒就在哪里爬起。对在20岁遇上人生挫折的篮球小伙子黄律尧而言,“打出名堂”就是重燃他心中希望的一点小火花。  香港:重新起步  “在篮球生涯顺风顺水的时候,好像自己已经想过要放弃篮球,把甲一梦、大港队梦都抛于脑后。就在此时,我看到了‘打出名堂’的招募,毅然拍下片段参与了。坦白说,最初真
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数字11正代表着全新的开始,也意味着辉煌的职业生涯中崭新的一步。随着在联盟第十一个赛季的开始,已荣获两枚金牌、两枚冠军戒指和4次MVP奖杯的勒布朗·詹姆斯将在比赛中继续成功的步伐,不断完善,创造自己的辉煌。  LeBron 11针对詹姆斯独特球风量身打造,兼具力量与精准双重特点,在球场上为詹姆斯提供有效保护。该款球鞋亦是迄今为止最轻的一双詹姆斯专属战靴,在为詹姆斯带来卓越保护的同时拥有快速响应性与