
来源 :国外医学.耳鼻咽喉科学分册 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zikao0606
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在分泌性中耳炎的治疗中,咽鼓管内及其附近的纤毛功能有重要意义。本文就小柴胡汤及柴苓汤是否有对中耳纤毛运动亢进作用进行实验研究。用体重200g 健康的土拨鼠14只,于咽鼓管鼓口附近取几块粘膜,经组织培养液洗涤后密封于容积3ml 的容器内,并盛满组织培养液,环境温度30℃,放置30分钟,之后按作者发表的电光学方法测定纤毛运动,以每分钟纤毛运动摆动次数作为标准值。继将组织培养液置换成400mg/L 的柴苓汤或小柴胡汤溶液,60分钟后观察纤毛运动摆动数的变化。之后将 In the treatment of secretory otitis media, the function of cilia in and around the eustachian tube is of great significance. In this paper, we investigated the effect of Xiaochaihu Decoction and Chaiqin Decoction on the ciliary movement of the middle ear. Fourteen healthy prairie dogs weighing 200g were used to take several mucous membranes around the eustachian tube, washed with tissue culture solution and sealed in a 3 ml volume container. The tissue culture medium was filled with the liquid and the temperature was 30°C. Thirty minutes later, the ciliary movement was measured by the author’s published electro-optical method, and the number of ciliary motions per minute was taken as the standard value. After substituting the tissue culture solution with 400 mg/L of Chaiqin Tang or Xiaochaihu Decoction solution, changes in the number of ciliary movements were observed after 60 minutes. After that
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