
来源 :Journal of Marine Science and Application | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tp13140
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The critical technical problem of underwater bottom object detection is founding a stable feature space for echo signals classification. The past literatures more focus on the characteristics of object echoes in feature space and reverberation is only treated as interference. In this paper, reverberation is considered as a kind of signal with steady characteristic, and the clustering of reverberation in frequency discrete wavelet transform (FDWT) feature space is studied. In order to extract the identifying information of echo signals, feature compression and cluster analysis are adopted in this paper, and the criterion of separability between object echoes and reverberation is given. The experimental data processing results show that reverberation has steady pattern in FDWT feature space which differs from that of object echoes. It is proven that there is separability between reverberation and object echoes. The critical technical problem of underwater bottom object detection is founding a stable feature space for echo signals classification. The past literatures more focus on the characteristics of object echoes in feature space and reverberation is only treated as interference. In this paper, reverberation is considered as a kind of signal with steady characteristic, and the clustering of reverberation in frequency discrete wavelet transform (FDWT) feature space is studied. In order to extract the identification information of echo signals, feature compression and cluster analysis are adopted in this paper, and the criterion of separability between object echoes and reverberation is given. The experimental data processing results show that reverberation has steady pattern in FDWT feature space which differs from that of object echoes. It is proven that there is separability between reverberation and object echoes.
面具戴久了,摘下来才发现,自己已经变成了面具的样子。  当你在手机里,把别人当成风景时,你自己也变成了风景。  在你眼里不值一提的东西,在别人眼里也许倍加珍惜。你挥霍的,正是别人渴求的。  问:读过那么多书,很多都忘了,那读书还有什么用?  答:读过的书就像吃过的饭,早已融入了你的骨子和血肉里,让你成为了今天的你。  长成大人这件事最恐怖的地方就在于,你变成了自己曾经最讨厌的那种人。  不得不承认
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