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【媒体聚焦】党的十八届四中全会胜利召开后,37位军队高级将领强调依法治军从严治军,党对军队绝对领导是核心。坚持党对军队绝对领导不仅仅是最高的政治要求,而且是不可逾越的法律底线。【就事说法】我军素以信念坚定、军纪严明闻名中外。《国防法》规定,中华人民共和国的武装力量受中国共产党领导。中华人民共和国的武装力量必须遵守宪法和法律,坚持依法治军。《现役军官法》《预备役军官法》《现役士兵服役条例》《民兵工作条例》等法律法规及条令条例、规章制度,都把“忠于中国共产党…‘中国共产党领导”作为根本原则和基本条件,以法律条文形式予以明确。深入推进依法治军从严治军,必须以党对军队绝对领导为 【Media Focus】 After the successful convening of the Fourth Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee, 37 senior generals of the armed forces emphasized that the army should be ruled by law and that the party’s absolute leadership over the armed forces be the core. To uphold the party’s absolute leadership over the armed forces is not only the highest political requirement but also an insurmountable legal bottom line. 【Facts】 My conviction to the firm belief that military discipline Yan Ming at home and abroad. The “National Defense Law” stipulates that the armed forces of the People’s Republic of China shall be under the leadership of the CPC. The armed forces in the People’s Republic of China must abide by the Constitution and the law and must adhere to the principle of administering the army according to law. The Law on Active Service Officers, the Law on Reserve Officers, the Regulations on the Service of Active Servicemen, the Regulations on the Work of Militias, and other regulations and rules and regulations all take "being loyal to the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party ... the CPC as the fundamental principle and basis Conditions, to be clear in the form of legal provisions. To further promote the principle of running the army in strict accordance with the law, we must take the party’s absolute leadership over the army as its goal
He Knows the Answer    Teacher: Can you tell me anything about the great scientists of the 18th century?  Pupil: Yes, sir, I can. They are all dead.    他知道答案  教师:你能不能告诉我有关十八世纪伟大科学家的事迹?  学生:可以,老师。他们都死了