1 病历简介患者男,66岁。因陈旧前壁心梗慢性左心功能不全,三束支阻滞入院。心电图示:窦性心律,室率40次/min,V_1~V_5病理Q波,CRBBB+LABB+I°AVB。入院后安装VVI起搏器。术后第4天患者诉左侧腋前线第5肋间刺痛,查体无肋间肌和膈肌收缩,无心包摩擦音。心屯图示V_1呈右束支阴滞,电轴左偏。胸片示:心尖部心包钙化5cm,前后位电极头在左下心影内
Patient male, 66 years old. Due to obsolete anterior myocardial infarction chronic left ventricular dysfunction, three bundle branch block admission. ECG: sinus rhythm, room rate 40 beats / min, V_1 ~ V_5 pathological Q wave, CRBBB + LABB + I ° AVB. Admission to install VVI pacemaker. On the 4th day after operation, the patient complained of the 5th intercostal stab on the left axillary line, and the intercostal muscle and diaphragmatic constriction of the examination body were observed. Xintun pictured V_1 was right bundle branch of the vagina, the left axis deviation. Chest radiograph: apical pericardial calcification 5cm, anteroposterior tip in the lower left heart shadow