Noise Temperature Characteristics and Gain-control of Avalanche Photodiodes for Laser Radar

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Avalanche photodiodes(APDs) are promising light sensors with high quantum efficiency and low noise. It has been extensively used in radiation detection,laser radar and other weak signal detection fields. Unlike other photodiodes,APD is a very sensitive light detector with very high internal gain. The basic theory shows that the gain of APD is related to the temperature. The internal gain fluctuates with the variation of temperature. Investigated was the influence of the variation of the gain induced by the fluctuation of temperature on the output from APD for a very weak laser pulse input in laser radar. An active reverse-biased voltage compensation method is used to stabilize the gain of APD. An APD model is setup to simulate the detection of light pulse signal. The avalanche process,various noises and temperature’s effect are all included in the model. Our results show that for the detection of weak light signal such as in laser radar,even a very small fluctuation of temperature could cause a great effect on APD’s gain. The results show that the signal-to-noise ratio of the APD’s output could be improved effectively with the active gain-control system. Unlike other photodiodes, APD is a very sensitive light detector with very high internal (APDs) are promising light sensors with high quantum efficiency and low noise. It has been extensively used in radiation detection, laser radar and other weak signal detection fields. gain. The basic theory shows that the gain of APD is related to the temperature. The internal gain fluctuation with the variation of temperature. Investigated was the influence of the variation of the gain induced by the fluctuation of temperature on the output from APD for a very weak laser pulse input in laser radar. An active reverse-biased voltage compensation method is used to stabilize the gain of APD. An APD model is setup to simulate the detection of light pulse signal. The avalanche process, various noises and temperature’s effect are all results in the model. Our results show that for the detection of weak light signal such as in laser radar, even a very small fluctuation of temperature coul d results a great effect on APD’s gain. The results show that the signal-to-noise ratio of the APD’s output could be improved effectively with the active gain-control system.
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