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科技资料检索方法,是每个科技人员必须掌握的,而学习和运用国外科技资料,更是如此。掌握科技资料检索方法,是赶超世界先进水平,加快四化建设的需要。打倒“四人帮”,广大科技人员迫切需要参考国外科技资料,了解当前国际科技的发展动向、趋势和水平,从而快速健康地发展我国的科技事业。然而,当前世界书刊发行数量之多和增长速度之快均十分惊人,仅科技期刊迄今即达50,000多种,科学论文在400万篇以上,可谓浩如烟海;科学论文每天发表11,000多篇,每分钟即有十几篇问世。倘不掌握科技资料检索方 Science and technology information retrieval method, every scientific and technical personnel must master, and learn and use of foreign science and technology information, even more so. Grasping the method of scientific and technological information retrieval is the need of catching up with and surpassing the advanced world level and accelerating the four modernizations. To overthrow the “gang of four,” the vast number of scientists and technicians urgently need to refer to foreign scientific and technological materials to understand current trends, trends and levels in the development of international science and technology so as to rapidly and soundly develop China’s science and technology. However, at present, the number and speed of publication of books and periodicals in the world are both staggering. Only over 50,000 titles of science and technology journals and over 4 million scientific articles have been published so far. Science papers are published in over 11,000 articles every minute A dozen articles come out. If you do not have access to scientific information retrieval
Objective: To investigate the value of PAPP-A(pregnancy assouated plasma protein-A) in the diagnosis and prognosis of gestational trophoblastic disease (GTD). M
(一)电子计算机文献检索美国国立医学图书馆医学文献分析和检索系统(MEDLARS,Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System) 拥有自1965年以来在卫生科学方面发表的45
黄山四千仞,三十二莲峰。丹霞夹石柱,菡萏金芙蓉。伊昔升绝顶,俯窥天目松。 ——李白 Huangshan four thousand 仞, thirty-two Lotus Peak. Danxia fold
2001年元旦,我选择去北非摩洛哥王国迎接新纪元。短短一周,感受了一些人文、历史、社会新东西,至今难以忘怀…… On New Year’s Day of 2001, I chose to go to the Kingdo
博士论坛 司马迁《屈原贾生列传》的再认识 ———兼评屈原否定论者对历史文献的误读赵敏俐 ( 1,5) 表演理论与民间故事研究周福岩 ( 1,10 ) 我党三代领导集体对治国方略
听说我要去云南,外甥对我说,到云南一定要去丽江。 我对丽江知之甚少,他便侃侃道来:大研古镇的小桥流水人家,玉龙雪山的晶莹蜿蜒高峻,优美动听的纳西古乐,世界仅存的象形文字……听
5月24日至6月2日,每天的9:00至22:30,在绵阳市九 龙宾馆举行的第二届全国体育大会桥牌比赛非常激烈。参赛运动员们怀着强烈的自信心,迎战各路名家高手。每一副牌的进行过程