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只有加速产业升级才能提高出口产业的竞争力,获取和留住贸易创造的财富。去年,中国外贸进出口总值超过4万亿美元,成为了全球最大的货物贸易国。在高兴之余,许多熟悉中国外贸的朋友们都问我:如此大贸易规模的背后,中国创造了多少财富?这些财富又“去哪儿了?”我们来快速浏览一下去年中国外贸200强的名单。在出口名单中,占据前排位置的多为IT行业企业,结合计算机和手机出口10强名单来看,出口10强中有9家企业属于该行业;同时,进口名单中 Only by accelerating industrial upgrading can the competitiveness of export industries be enhanced and the wealth created by trade be acquired and retained. Last year, China’s total import and export volume exceeded 4 trillion U.S. dollars, making it the largest trading nation in the world. While happy, many friends who are familiar with China’s foreign trade have asked me: How much wealth has China created behind such a large scale of trade? Where have these wealth gone? "Let’s take a quick look at the top 200 foreign trade enterprises in China last year The list In the export list, occupy the forefront of the position for the IT industry enterprises, combined with the top 10 list of computers and mobile phone exports, the top 10 exporters in nine industries belong to the same time, import list
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In this paper, we report on the structural properties and superconductivity of Mg(B1-xCx)2 compounds. PowderX-ray diffraction results indicate that the samples
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The demagnetization curve as a function of intensity of the inter-grain exchange interaction was calculated for single-phase nanocrystalline Nd-Fe-B magnets by