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这让我们体会到“姐姐”一词深邃的内涵,那是圣洁的、关怀的、无私的、美丽的,它朴实而善良,温厚而淳朴,散发着迷人的芬芳。我有3个姐姐1个妹妹,除三姐外,其他几个姐妹都嫁在离家不到10里地的外村。三姐嫁得很远,用母亲的话来说,叫“遣上福建”。在我们那里,有一句话流传甚广,有女莫嫁外省郎。3岁小孩都心知肚明,那是对女儿的轻贱,对自家的贬斥。十里八村第一个背离此宗的,正是我的三姐。 This allows us to realize the deep meaning of the word “sister”, which is holy, caring, selfless and beautiful. It is simple and kind, gentle and simple, exudes a charming fragrance. I have 3 sisters and 1 sister. Apart from the 3rd Sister, several other sisters are married outside the village of less than 10 miles from home. Third Sister marry very far, with his mother’s words, called “sent to Fujian ”. In our place, there is a widely circulated word that there are women who are not married to other provinces. 3-year-old children are well aware that it is the daughter of humble, their own derogatory. Ten miles eight villages the first departure from this case, it is my third sister.
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