
来源 :湖北招生考试 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:beidoubiao
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小瑜是我的同桌。她曾郑重地告诉我:“我的生命是一块玉。”她摊开手,一块碧绿的圆形玉静静地躺在她的手心里。这块玉如果没有那些星星点点的斑痕,应该是十分漂亮的。“但我只看它的另一面。”她把玉翻过来,没了斑点,玉的那种特有的温润之美便一览无遗。我不禁吸了口气,抬头望她。她微笑,阳光般灿烂。小瑜的母亲已去世多年,父亲又为她找了一个后妈。当我问及后妈待她如何时,她不自然地笑了笑说:“挺好的。”顿一顿又说:“起码有时对我挺好的,并且——”她加重语气,“会更好的!”我无言,只在心里为她祈祷。小瑜一直都很爱笑。当我不解地问她为什么 Xiao Yu is my desk. She had solemnly told me: “My life is a piece of jade. ” She spread out, a green round jade quietly lying in her hand. This piece of jade without those little spots of the stars should be very beautiful. “But I only look at the other side of it. ” She turned the jade over, no spots, jade’s unique kind of gentle beauty will be at a glance. I can not help but breathe and look up at her. She smiled, the sun shone Xiaoyu’s mother has died for many years, and her father found a stepmother for her. When I asked her stepmother how to treat her, she smiled unconsciously and said: “” Very good. “Paused again:” At least it sometimes worked fine for me, and- “She added Tone, ”Better!" I was speechless, just praying for her in my heart. Xiao Yu has always loved to laugh. When I puzzled to ask why she
陶行知(1891—1946),是著名教育家,历任南京高等师范学院教授、东南大学教育系主任、中华教育改进社总干事等职,先后创办晓庄师范、山海工学团、社会大学。陶行知的自题 Tao
With the purpose of searching for a convenient process to synthesize nanoparticles with special structure,a simple solid-state reaction in the presence of nonio
十五大开盛会,万千怒放鲜花。群贤毕至聚京华,定要功成四化。 喜看新猷展布,畅谈香港回家。寄情台岛早归槎,同绘江山如画。 Grand opening event, thousands of flowers in
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时光如水。转眼,又是一个初夏,但这个初夏是一个不寻常的初夏,因为它是我在小学时间里的最后一个初夏了。每个初夏都装载着不一样的回忆,五年前的那个初夏,我还是一个年幼 T
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