
来源 :珠江现代建设 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xufuen2001
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珠江河口水网交错,形成独特的出海三角洲,珠江洪水经珠江八大口门入海。珠江流域经过1994年、1998年几场大洪水后,暴露出了珠江三角洲和口门地区存在行洪河道人为设障,泄洪出海水道淤积,降低泄洪能力,问题严重。出现了水位超常壅高,与洪水频率不相适应的现象,严重威胁着珠江三角洲河口地区人民财产安全,出海口门的整治刻不容缓。根据珠江流域河口治理规划,针对珠江下游河口区暴露出来的问题,珠江委勘测设计研究院在极短时间内,完成了《1999年珠江河口疏浚治理工程实施方案》,采用疏浚为主,辅以清障,开卡还河,建筑导流建筑物等综合措施,分期治理,重点口门首先治理。方案于1999年7月18日在广州通过审查。 Pearl River estuary water network staggered to form a unique sea Delta, the Pearl River floods through the Pearl River eight mouth into the sea. After several major floods in 1994 and 1998 in the Pearl River Basin, the Pearl River Delta has revealed the existence of man-made barriers to flood and flood channels in the Pearl River Delta and its mouth-gate areas, resulting in siltation of flood discharge and sea-going channels and lowering of flood discharge capacity. The problem is serious. There was an abnormally high water level and incompatible with the frequency of floods, which seriously threatened the property safety of the people in the Pearl River Delta estuary. The rectification of the port of entry must be urgently impeached. According to the plan of Pearl River Basin estuary management, in view of the problems exposed in the estuary area of ​​the lower reaches of the Pearl River, Pearl River Commission Survey and Design Institute completed the “Implementation Plan of Dredging Project of Pearl River Estuary in 1999” within a very short period of time, using dredging as the mainstay Obstacle clearance, open card also river, building diversion buildings and other comprehensive measures, management by stages, the first key door management. The program passed the examination in Guangzhou on July 18, 1999.
改革开放初期,经过全省军民的十年团结奋斗,具有挡潮蓄水引水通航功能、科学配置合理利用水资源、科技含量高的九龙江北溪引水工程胜利建成。1980年5月1日,被 In the initia
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