深圳港口协会召开研讨会 集思广益 共商港口体改大计

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6月23日至24日,在深圳市召开的深圳港口口岸管理体制改革研讨会上,来自国内外港口口岸管理部门的领导和行家100余人,在会上发表了各自不同见解和建议。与会人士普遍反映会议开得及时、成功,收获较大。 会议对深圳港务管理局现行的管理体制,普遍表示赞同。十几年来,深圳先后建设8个港区,都是企业投资和企业经营的。1992年从市运输局分离出来,按照“一城一港,政企分开,政出一家”的构想,组建了港务管理局,和港务监督工作实施统一的行政管理。实行彻底的政企分开的路子是对头的,符合社会主义市场经济体制和建立现代港埠企业制度的方向。在口岸管理方面,组织联检各方简化手续,联合检查的经验,以及按照国际第一流、高效率、科学管理的目标逐步改革的试点,对全国港口口岸深化改革、扩大开放是有普遍意义的。 在研讨发言中,对全国的港口管理体制政企分开问题,行家们发表了各自不同的意见,主要有以下几点:第一种意见是:港务管理局应是“政企合一,以企为主”。问家实行社会主义市场经济的体制,是一个不断探索完善、逐步实践总结的历史过程,不是一步登天的飞跃。根据市场经济的基本原则,属于宏观的,国家要加强控制,属于微观的,国家要大胆放开。作为国家门户,又属国民经济基础设施的沿海港口,是国民经济的命? From June 23 to June 24, more than 100 leaders and experts from the port and port authorities at home and abroad held a seminar on Shenzhen port and port management system reform in Shenzhen. They each delivered different opinions and suggestions. Participants generally reflected the meeting was opened in a timely manner, success, gain more. The meeting generally agreed with the current management system of Shenzhen Port Authority. Over the past decade or so, Shenzhen has built eight port areas in succession, all of which are business investments and business operations. In 1992, it was separated from the Municipal Transport Bureau and set up the Port Authority in accordance with the concept of “one city, one port, separation of government from enterprises, and one out of government”, and implemented a unified administrative management with the harbor superintendency administration. The thoroughgoing separation of government and enterprises is the right one, in line with the socialist market economic system and the establishment of a modern port and port enterprise system. In terms of port management, the pilot program of simplifying the formalities and joint inspection conducted by all the joint inspection departments and gradually reforming them according to the international first-class, efficient and scientific management objectives have the universal meaning of deepening the reform and opening up the entire country’s port ports. In the course of their speeches, experts on the issue of the separation of state from enterprise in the country’s port management system were divided on the basis of their own opinions. The first one was that the harbor authority should be “ Based. ” The system of asking the family to implement the socialist market economy is a historical process of constantly exploring and improving and gradually putting it to practice. It is not a leap forward in one step. According to the basic principle of a market economy, which belongs to the macro-level, the state should strengthen its control and belong to the micro-level. The state should boldly let go. As a national gateway, but also a coastal port of national economic infrastructure, is the national economy’s life?
住宅问题是一个全球性问题,各国无论采取何种住宅模式,政府都在一定形式和一定程度上对住宅提供一定数量的补贴。 我国由于过去一直实行低房租、高补贴的福利分配制度,城市