Fairness based resource allocation for multiuser MISO-OFDMA systems with beamforming

来源 :The Journal of China Universities of Posts and Telecommunica | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:javabudong
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Resource allocation problem in multiuser multiple input single output-orthogonal frequency division multiple access (MISO-OFDMA) systems with downlink beamforming for frequency selective fading channels is studied. The article aims at maximizing system throughput with the constraints of total power and bit error rate (BER) while supporting fairness among users. The downlink proportional fairness (PF) scheduling problem is reformulated as a maximization of the sum of logarithmic user data rate. From necessary conditions on optimality obtained analytically by Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (KKT) condition, an efficient user selection and resource allocation algorithm is proposed. The computer simulations reveal that the proposed algorithm achieves tradeoff between system throughput and fairness among users. Resource allocation problem in multiuser multiple input single output-orthogonal frequency division multiple access (MISO-OFDMA) systems with downlink beamforming for frequency selective fading channels is studied. The article aims at maximizing system throughput with the constraints of total power and bit error rate ( BER) while supporting fairness among users. The downlink proportional fairness (PF) scheduling problem is reformulated as a maximization of the sum of logarithmic user data rate. From necessary conditions on optimality obtained analytically by Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (KKT) condition, an efficient user selection and resource allocation algorithm is proposed. The computer simulations reveal that the proposed algorithm achieves tradeoff between system throughput and fairness among users.
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