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目的对浙江省富阳市2011年医院老年人(≥60岁)首诊伤害监测资料进行分析,了解浙江省富阳市老年人特有的伤害的流行病学特征,更加有效地预防控制老年人伤害的发生。方法选取浙江省富阳市3家监测哨点医院,采用统一制定的伤害监测登记表对前来就诊的老年人首诊伤害病例进行登记。用EpiData 3.02软件建立数据库,采用Excel 2003、SPSS 13.0等相关软件对伤害发生的地点、类别、严重程度、患者职业、性别、年龄等,进行描述性分析,相关数据均以构成比表示。结果全年累计收集老年人伤害卡片1220张。伤害监测病例男女性别比为1.37∶1;平均年龄男性为(68.23±7.46)岁,女性为(69.14±7.97)岁;职业构成比前2位分别为农/渔业劳动者(67.60%)、农民工(21.70%);发生地点构成比前4位分别为家中(73.10%)、工作场所(15.20%)、街道/城区(5.20%)和城际间公路(3.06%);受伤原因构成比前5位分别为动物伤(44.80%)、跌伤/坠落(23.00%)、钝器伤(硬物击伤)(18.40%)、刺/割伤(4.00%)和交通伤(2.70%);伤害发生时的活动情况构成比前2位分别为空闲时(58.20%)、家务(19.30%)和工作时(16.80%);伤害的严重程度构成比以轻微的浅表伤(82.50%)和中等程度的伤害(17.10%)为主;伤害意图构成比以非故意伤害为主(97.30%)。结论老年人伤害严重程度大多为轻微的浅表伤,其次为中等程度的伤害。伤害给老年人的健康带来了威胁和损失,影响老年人的生活质量。在浙江省富阳市老年人中应积极开展动物伤、跌伤/坠落、钝器伤(硬物击伤)、刺/割伤和交通伤等伤害的预防控制工作,切实关注老年人的健康,让老年人远离伤害的痛苦。 Objective To analyze the monitoring data of the first diagnosis of injuries among elders (≥60 years old) in Fuyang City, Zhejiang Province in 2011 to understand the epidemiological characteristics of the elderly-specific injuries in Fuyang, Zhejiang and to prevent and control the injuries of the elderly more effectively . Methods Three monitoring sentinel hospitals in Fuyang City, Zhejiang Province were selected to register the first cases of injuries among the elders who came to the hospital for treatment by using the unified injury registration form. EpiData 3.02 software was used to establish the database. Descriptive analysis was made on the location, category, severity, patient’s occupation, sex, age, etc. of the injuries using Excel 2003, SPSS 13.0 and other related software. Results A total of 1220 elderly card injuries were collected during the year. The average age of males and females was (68.23 ± 7.46) years old and females was (69.14 ± 7.97) years old. The occupational composition was higher than that of the former two (67.60% (21.70%). The places with the highest incidence were 73.10% at home, 15.20% at the workplace, 5.20% at the urban area and 3.06% at the inter-city highway. 5 were biting injury (44.80%), falling / falling (23.00%), blunt weapon injuries (18.40%), pricking / cutting injuries (4.00%) and traffic injuries (2.70% Injury occurred when the composition of the first two were idle (58.20%), housework (19.30%) and work (16.80%); the severity of the injury constitutes a minor superficial injury (82.50%) and Moderate injury (17.10%) was the main factor; injury intention was more than unintentional injury (97.30%). Conclusion The severity of injuries in the elderly are mostly mild superficial injuries followed by moderate injuries. Injuries pose threats and losses to the health of the elderly and affect the quality of life of the elderly. In the elderly in Fuyang City, Zhejiang Province, active prevention and control of animal injuries, falls / crashes, blunt trauma (hard object injuries), stabs / cuts and traffic injuries should be actively carried out, with due attention paid to the health of the elderly, Keep the elderly away from hurting pains.