
来源 :中国锅炉压力容器安全 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tangjun6422443
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近年来国家安全监察机构对锅炉的设计、制造和安装单位实施了资格审查,因而由锅炉自身结构、质量原因造成的事故已明显减少。由操作不当引起的锅炉事故在整个事故率当中,却占了相当太的比例。所以,采用科学的操作方法,是实现锅炉安全运行,避免重大事故发生的一个重要课题。 1 两例事故 1985年保定红光机械厂在一个月的时间内KZL_4-13和KZW_4-13两台锅炉先后发生了锅筒前部大面积鼓包事故。这两台锅炉都采用的是炉内加碱软化的水处理措施。经现场勘察,水处理效果确实不错,炉水放净后,锅筒内壁只留有一层白霜,无其它水垢。司炉人员每班排污两次,基本符合操作要求。那么鼓包事故是怎样发生的呢? In recent years, the state safety inspection agencies have carried out qualification examination on the design, manufacture and installation units of the boilers. As a result, accidents caused by the structure and quality of the boilers have been significantly reduced. Boiler accidents caused by improper operation accounted for a considerable proportion of the total accident rate. Therefore, the use of scientific methods of operation is to achieve safe operation of the boiler to avoid major accidents an important issue. 1 two accidents in 1985, Baoding Hongguang Machinery Factory in a month’s time KZL_4-13 and KZW_4-13 two boilers have occurred in front of a large drum drum bulging accident. Both boilers are used in the furnace alkali softening water treatment measures. After investigation, the effect of water treatment is really good. After the furnace water is released to the net, there is only a layer of hoar frost on the inner wall of the drum, without any scale. Stove staff sewage twice per class, basically in line with operational requirements. So what is the drum accident?
[本刊讯]由中国体育科学学会运动医学分会(CASM)和上海体育学院(SUS)共同主办的2010年第四届上海国际“运动与健康”高层论坛将于2010年11月5日至7日在上海体育学院举办。 T
1 简况该锅炉额定蒸发量2T/H,饱和蒸汽温度194℃,设计压力1.27MPa,1982年9月出厂。管板材料为16Mng,烟管材料为20号钢。出厂时烟管与管板为胀接连接。使用在制药行业。基本
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1月23日星期日春节是我们的传统节日,辞旧迎新, 喜气洋洋.过年更是喜庆的日子. 可也给我们带来了许多烦恼…… Spring Festival on January 23 is our traditional festival
目的前瞻性测定计算机辅助诊断(CAD)技术对数字化乳腺摄影筛查的判读时间,分析其对放射科医师判断的影响和诊断可信度。材料与方法本研究获机构审查委员会 Objective To pro