求新 求变 求发展——走向21世纪的图案教学

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当今的时代,几乎一切事物都在不知不觉中加快着变化的周期.我们的图案教学体系.内容自然也不是一泓静波,它必然随着时代不断变化发展、添新增彩.就如同表演艺术中一些门类随时代发展所出现的一些客观现象:薜雳舞继“迪斯科”之后更胜一筹;幽默小品较相声更受到观众的喜爱;一架高档次的电子琴可以使整个乐队退居二线;通俗唱法比美声唱法与民族唱法更风靡了舞台…….这些现象说明:求新求变,是现代人的心理需求,是时代发展的必然.那么,面对二十一世纪的挑战,我们的图案教学(包括四大变化、三大构成)应如何顺应时代的需要而求新求变求发展呢?这是本文所要探讨的中心问题. In today’s era, almost everything is unknowingly accelerating the cycle of change.Our content teaching system is naturally not a static wave, it inevitably changes with the times, adding new color .As the performance Some of the categories in the arts evolve with the times as they emerge. Some of the objective phenomena that have emerged since the beginning of the twentieth century have been the following: 薜 薜 舞 舞 Following the title of “Disco”, the humorous piece is more popular with viewers than the crosstalk; a high-end electronic organ can make the entire band relegated Second line; popular singing than the United States singing and singing more popular stage ... .... These phenomena show that: Innovation and change is the psychological needs of the people, is the inevitable development of the times.Then, in the face of the challenges of the 21st century, How should our pattern teaching (including the four major changes and the three major constitutions) adapt to the needs of the times and seek new development? This is the central issue to be explored in this article.
  The shift from a reductionistic towards a systems view is a key topic in Life Sciences.This automatically highlights the importance of analytical methodolog