
来源 :福建劳动和社会保障 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yeyuxx008
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党的十五届五中全会提出,在国民经济与社会发展的第十个五年计划期间,要建立健全一个独立于企业事业单位之外,资金来源多元化、保障制度规范化、管理服务社会化的社会保障体系。企业的养老保险经过近20年的探索,其社会化管理服务体系已初具雏型,并发挥了其社会化管理服务的功能,这主要得益于政府从政策上对企业离退休人员社会化管理服务体系建设的支持,而机关事业单位社会保险制度虽经历了十多年的改革,但其社会化管理服务体系无论是政策上,还是实际运行操作上几乎是一片空白。制约机关事业单位离退休人员社会化管理服务体系建设的主要因素有:1、政策的空白是主要原因之一。为完善社会保障制度,减轻企业负担,保障企业离退休人员生活,党中央、国务院,省委、省政府相继出台相关政策,进一步推进企业退休人员社会化管理服务体系建设。但有关文件只涵盖了企业的离退休人员社会化管理服务体系建设,而没有涉及机关事业单位离退休人员如何建立健全社会化管理服务体系 The Fifth Plenary Session of the 15th CPC Central Committee proposed that during the Tenth Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development, it is necessary to establish and perfect an independent enterprise and institution with diversified sources of funds, standardized guarantee system and socialized management and service Social security system. After nearly 20 years of exploration, the socialized management and service system of an enterprise has taken shape and has played a role in its socialized management services. This is mainly due to the government's policy of socializing retirees from enterprises Management and service system construction support, while the institutional and social insurance system has experienced ten years of reform, but its social management service system, whether policy or actual operation is almost a blank operation. The main factors restricting the construction of the socialized management service system for retired personnel in government agencies and institutions are as follows: 1. The policy gap is one of the major reasons. In order to improve the social security system, reduce the burden on enterprises and protect the life of retirees, the Central Party Committee, the State Council, the provincial party committee and the provincial government successively promulgated relevant policies and further promoted the socialized management and service system for retirees. However, the documents only covered the construction of the socialized management service system for the retired personnel in the enterprise, but did not refer to how the retired personnel in the institutions and institutions established and improved the socialized management service system
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