The Anti-inflammatory and Antiasthma Activities of the Extracts from the Leaves of Elaeagnus macroph

来源 :Medicinal Plant | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tang18
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[Objective] To research on the anti-inflammatory and antiasthma activities of the extracts from the leaves of Elaeagnus macrophylla Thunb.[Methods] Ethanol extracts were obtained from the crude powder of E. macrophylla leaves. Asthmogenic method by nebulization was carried out; auricular swelling of mice was induced by xylene so as to investigate the anti-inflammatory activities. [Results] Extracts from E. macrophylla leaves had relatively strong anti-inflammatory and antiasthma activities,which were significant when the extracts dosage of E. macrophylla was 40 mg / kg. The activities enhanced significantly as the extracts dosage increased.[Conclusions]High-dosage extracts showed the same anti-inflammatory and antiasthma activities as the positive control,which had relatively high values of development and utilization. [Objective] To research on the anti-inflammatory and antiasthma activities of the extracts from the leaves of Elaeagnus macrophylla Thunb. [Methods] Ethanol extracts were obtained from the crude powder of E. macrophylla leaves. Asthmogenic method by nebulization was carried out; auricular swelling of mice was induced by xylene so as to investigate the anti-inflammatory activities. [Results] Extracts from E. macrophylla leaves had relatively strong anti-inflammatory and antiasthma activities, which were significant when the extracts dosage of E. macrophylla was 40 mg / kg. The activities enhanced significantly as the extracts dosage increased. [Conclusions] High-dosage extracts showed the same anti-inflammatory and antiasthma activities as the positive control, which had relatively high values ​​of development and utilization.
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