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绝地组织的起源绝地组织的诞生可以追溯到超过1000代人之前,他们最初的历史因年代过于久远而被人淡忘,只有一些传说流传下来。根据这些并不完整和不太可靠的资料,绝地可能起源于阿德加(Adega)星系奥苏斯(Ossus)星球,因为制作光剑(Lightsaber)核心的晶体正是出产在那里。虽然常常称为绝地武士,但他们不仅仅是战士,本质上,他们首先是原力的研究和运用者。他们的行为多半有着简朴、正义、公平和友善等特征,大部分绝 The Origin of the Jedi Organization The birth of Jedi dates back more than 1,000 generations and their original history is forgotten by the passage of time, with only a few legends circulating. Based on these incomplete and unreliable sources, Jedi may have originated on the Ossus planet of the Adega galaxy, where the crystals that make the Lightsaber core are produced. Although often referred to as Jedi Knights, they are not just fighters; essentially, they are, above all, the research and users of Primitives. Most of their behavior is characterized by simplicity, justice, fairness and friendliness, and most of them are absolutely unique
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用Access和VisualBasic 5.0 建立了一个药物高效液相色谱条件数据库,用于查询色谱实验条件,其内容随时可以增加、删除、更新。 A database of drug HPLC conditions was established using Access
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The main intention of the present study is to reduce wind, wave, and seismic induced vibrations of jackettype offshore wind turbines(JOWTs) through a newly deve
请大家用心看以下这位天才芭蕾少女阿淼的故事,帮她做出人生选择的同时,发现自己的缺点和魅力。也许不久的将来,你也会成为一颗耀眼的超人气巨星哦!下面游戏开始喽! Please