
来源 :福建党史月刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jjy2005
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古田会议决议,是无产阶级建党建军思想的光辉结晶,是中国共产党对马列主义和国际共产主义运动的杰出贡献。它不仅在建党建军史上发挥过重要作用和影响,而且越来越显示其对现实的宝贵和作用,具有深刻的意义。一、必须进行社会主义教育,坚持四项基本原则,反对资产阶级自由化和西方资本主义“和平演变”。从思想上建党和坚定共产主义信念是古田会议精神的核心内容。以毛泽东为代表的老一辈无产阶级革命家,十分重视坚定革命信念的思想教育,十分重视用马列主义来武装全党。他们正是具有共产主义事业必定胜利的坚定信念,因而在革命的危急关头,能坚决同错误思想进行斗争,力挽狂澜,及时拯救党和革命事业。历史证明,我们什么时候坚持和正确地运用马克思主义,加强党的思想建设,党和革命的事业就会取得胜利;什么时候违背了马克思主义,放松了党的思想建设,党和革命的事业就会遭到失败。建国后,邓小平同志科学地总结了党在思想建设方面的经验。 The Gutian Conference resolution is a brilliant achievement of the proletariat’s thought of building the army and the outstanding contribution of the Chinese Communist Party to Marxism-Leninism and the international communist movement. Not only has it played an important role in the history of the founding of the People’s Republic of China and its influence, but it has also shown that it is of profound significance to the preciousness and role of reality. First, we must carry out socialist education, uphold the four cardinal principles, and oppose the “peaceful evolution” of bourgeois liberalization and Western capitalism. It is the core content of the Gutian conference spirit to establish ideologically the party and to uphold communism. The proletarian revolutionaries of the older generation represented by Mao Zedong attach great importance to the ideological education of resolute revolutionary faith and attach great importance to using Armed Forces to arm the entire Party. They are the firm conviction of having a certain victory in the cause of communism. Therefore, at the critical juncture of the revolution, they can firmly fight the erroneous ideology, turn the tide of the storm and save the party and the cause of revolution in time. History shows that when we uphold and correctly use Marxism and strengthen the party’s ideological construction, the cause of the party and the revolution will win. When we violated the Marxism and relaxed the party’s ideological building and the cause of the party and the revolution Will fail. After the founding of New China, Comrade Deng Xiaoping scientifically summed up the party’s experience in ideological and political construction.
第16届广州亚运会期间,中央电视台多角度、全方位报道赛会盛况,激情展现亚运精神:一是及时、全面报道亚运赛况,在“赛场速递”、“亚运英雄”板块突出展 During the 16th Gu