Saving on wheels for world hunger车轮上的粮食节约人

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  1 There are lots of ways to raise awareness of a cause. Usually, the stranger the idea is, the more it gets noticed. And thats precisely why one garbage?eating Frenchman has grabbed our attention.
  2 Baptiste Dubanchet was on a quest to bike across Europe, surviving entirely on discarded(丢弃) food. The three?month, 1,900?mile journey from Paris to Warsaw was Dubanchets way of raising awareness of food waste in Europe and throughout the world. The 25?year?old Frenchman explained that the goal was to “make this trip relying only on food destined to be thrown away—from hotels, restaurants, grocery stores, supermarkets and markets, in order to reduce food waste”.
  3 As you can imagine, the trip was no piece of cake. While the worlds restaurants and supermarkets combine to throw away an average of 1.3 billion tons of food each year, according to the UN, much of it remains inaccessible thanks to locked dumpsters(廢料箱), health regulations, or business policies. Dubanchet said that only about one in 10 locations offered him food that would otherwise be discarded. For legal reasons, most establishments have a policy against giving away food waste. “Some people have even risked their jobs by giving me food,” he said.
  4 Whats particularly interesting was the attitude various cities had toward Dubanchets cause. Berlin had been the easiest, while the most difficult was the Czech town of Pilsen. There, he had to ask at some 50 different stores and restaurants before finding food. The challenge was all the more dramatic when he considered the demanding exercise required to bike from France to Poland. He had to find food fast because after all the cycling, he was tired and needed the energy. The most important thing was not what he was eating, but whether his stomach was full or empty.
  5 He aimed to finish his journey by mid?July. With any luck, he would turn a few more heads in the process.
  Ⅰ. Choose the best answers according to the text.
  Detail 1. Why did Dubanchet eat discarded food when biking across Europe?
  A. To struggle for survival. B. To attract more attention.
  C. To make his travel special. D. To experience the poors life.
  Detail 2. How many factors contributing to Dubanchets lack of food are mentioned according to Para. 3?
  A. 1. B. 2. C. 3. D. 4.
  Detail 3. Which of the following was most reluctant to give Dubanchet discarded food?   A. Berlin. B. France.
  C. Poland. D. The Czech town of Pilsen.
  Inference 4. What can best describe Dubanchets journey?
  A. Noble and challenging. B. Demanding and fruitful.
  C. Fantastic and interesting. D. Attractive and influential.
  Ⅱ. Discussion
  Do you think its worthwhile for Baptiste Dubanchet to eat discarded food to raise peoples awareness of saving food? Can you find out any other better ways to raise peoples awareness of saving food?
  Ⅰ. Discover useful structures in the text
  1. the 比較级..., the 比较级... 越……,越……
  Usually, the stranger the idea is, the more it gets noticed. 通常,这个想法越奇怪,就越容易被注意到。
  2. not..., but... 不是……,而是……
  The most important thing was not what he was eating, but whether his stomach was full or empty. 最重要的不是他在吃什么,而是他的肚子是饱的还是空的。
  Ⅱ. Memorize some text?centered chunks
  raise awareness of 提高……的意识
  grab ones attention 吸引某人的注意力
  survive entirely on 完全靠……生存
  rely on 依赖于……
  throw away 扔掉
  a piece of cake 小菜一碟
  an average of 平均
  for legal reasons 由于法律的原因
  give away 捐赠;分发
  all the more 愈发
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