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极地科学考察是人类探索自然奥秘、促进人类发展的重要领域。中国极地科学考察起步于20世纪80年代初期,并于1984年11月20日首次向南极派出科考队,开始建设第一个科考站,先后建立了长城站、中山站、昆仑站和泰山站,2004年建成北极黄河站。此外,我国还拥有“雪龙”号破冰考察船和国内考察基地,为我国持续深化开展极地科学考察奠定了良好基础。到目前为止,我国共成功组织了30次南极科学考察,6 Polar scientific expedition is an important area for mankind to explore natural mysteries and promote human development. China polar scientific investigation started in the early 1980s and on November 20, 1984 for the first time sent to the Antarctic expedition team began construction of the first test station, has established the Great Wall Station, Zhongshan Station, Kunlun Station and Mount Tai Station, completed in 2004 Arctic Yellow River Station. In addition, our country also owns the “Xue Long” icebreaking research ship and the domestic inspection base, laying a good foundation for our country to deepen and carry out the polar scientific investigation. So far, 30 Antarctic scientific expeditions have been successfully organized in our country
前程一、语言的积累与运用1.按拼音写出汉字①wei( )然②beng( )溅③怪pi( ) ④童zhi( )⑤chang( )然⑥吓meng( )2.根据解释写出词语①比喻同处困境,互相救助( ) ②不值得一
在学生的练习中曾出现这样一些典型的句子: 第一组 1.The athlete to whom you talked is a famous runner.2.The athlete to that you talked is a famous 131nner.3.The a
由于英汉两种语言文化存在差异,容易导致一些介词的错用。请看下面的例句: 1.在老师的帮助下,我在英语方面取得了很大进步。 Under the help of the teacher,I have made gr
近读梁实秋之女梁文蔷所著《梁实秋与程季淑——我的父亲母亲》一书,满怀深情的文字,使我增加了对梁先生的认识,还看到了他与廉有关的鲜为人知的一面。 Having read the boo
I.补全单词。 sty t 3.c ful 4.cert ly 5.wi6.1i en t 8.eigh en 9.w ld 10.h vyⅡ.词语释义。1.e not full2.c the students who are in the same class3.W
海带初次自交的小实验表明,自交对海带幼孢子体的形成和生长发育有某些不良的 影响。 根据上述材料和其他有关的材料,我们认为目前养殖的海带种群是杂种,含有一定的隐性遗传,