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时下,养生成为一种社会时尚,成为了人们津津乐道的热点话题。在当前“伪养生大师”满天飞,各种养生观念良莠不齐、真假难辨的社会现实中,本刊作为一本致力于向广大读者传播古今中外养生知识与现代保健养生理念的期刊,如何帮助人们辨别真伪,走出养生的误区,指导人们科学养生,从而达到强身健体的目的,是我们一直在思索的问题。本社2011年1月18日在北京举办的“2011年新春联谊会”上,中国科学技术协会原党组书记、原副主席高潮,国家农业部纪检组原副组长、中国老科学技术工作者协会副会长宋树友及本刊顾问、全国工商联原副主席王治国,国家卫生部原副部长、全国政协科教文体卫委员会原副主任、中国老科学技术工作者协会副会长孙隆椿,国家铁道部原副部长国林,国家民政部原副部长、中国未来研究会理事长、中国老年大学协会会长张文范,北京安贞医院主任医师、著名健康教育专家洪昭光,二炮总医院主任医师、知名养生教育专家郭志红,著名经络研究专家祝总骧等50多位社会各界知名人士应邀出席。其中,北京安贞医院主任医师、著名健康教育专家洪昭光,中国科学技术协会原党组书记、原副主席高潮,全国工商联原副主席王治国,国家铁道部原副部长国林,著名经络研究专家祝总骧讲起了如何健康快乐活到老的新理念,不时的精彩话语,说进了大家的心坎,赢得了在场的老领导、老专家们的热烈掌声。现根据录音整理出洪昭光、高潮、王治国讲话全文刊发,另外还刊登由本刊记者采写的国林和祝总骧的特写,以飨广大读者。 Now, health as a social fashion, has become a hot topic of relish. In the current “Pseudo Health Master” flying, all kinds of health concepts mixed, true and false, difficult to distinguish between the social reality, as a dedicated journal to our readers spread ancient and modern health knowledge and modern health care philosophy of journals, how To help people identify the authenticity, out of health misunderstanding, guiding people to scientific health, so as to achieve the purpose of physical fitness, we have been thinking about the issue. On January 18, 2011, the Society held the “2011 New Year Fellowship” held in Beijing. The former secretary of the Chinese Science and Technology Association, the former vice chairman climax, the former deputy head of the discipline inspection team of the Ministry of Agriculture of China, the old science and technology work in China Vice Chairman of the Association Song Shuyou and our magazine consultant, former vice chairman of the National Federation of Industry and Commerce Wang Zhiguo, the former vice minister of the Ministry of Health, the CPPCC National Committee of science and education of the former vice chairman of the Committee, vice president of China Science and Technology Workers Association Sun Longchun, Former Vice Minister of the Ministry of Railways Guolin, Former Vice Minister of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, Chairman of China Future Research Association, Zhang Wenfan, President of China Association of Gerontology, Chief Physician of Beijing Anzhen Hospital, Famous Health Education Expert Hong Zhaoguang, Chief Physician of the Second Artillery Corps Well-known health education expert Guo Zhihong, the famous meridian experts Zhu Zongtao more than 50 celebrities from all walks of life were invited to attend. Among them, Beijing Anzhen Hospital physician, renowned health education expert Hong Zhaoguang, former secretary of the Chinese Science and Technology Association, the former vice chairman climax, the former chairman of the All-China Federation of Industry Wang Zhiguo, the former vice minister of State Ministry of Railways, the famous meridian experts I wish General Zu talked about how to live a healthy and happy new concept of life, wonderful words from time to time, said into everyone’s heart, won the presence of the old leaders, the warm applause of the experts. According to the recording finishing Hongzhao Guang, climax, Wang Zhiguo speech published in full, in addition to published by our correspondents Guolin wrote and Zhuzong close-up, in order to 飨 majority of readers.