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电工师傅:您们好! 河南省沁阳市电子器材厂厂长董克武率全体员工,向工作在农电战线上的电工师傅们问好,祝您们鼠年愉快,万事如意!工作顺利,心想事成! 新春伊始,我借贵刊一席之地与全国的电工师傅们谈一谈大家最关心的——电能表节能控制器专利产品的有关问题。 1.企业简介 我厂属河南省沁阳市地方国营企业。企业编号41082477383806—3,是开发研制生产电子产品的专业厂家,拥有固定资产500余万元。技术力量雄厚,专业工程师6名,技术员32名,200名职工全部经过不同程度的培训。设备精良,生产流水线4条,电子检测仪器40余台,年产值4000余万元,具备开发、研制和生产一条龙能力。竭诚欢迎诸位电工师傅来我厂指导工作,不吝赐教利国利民、切实可行的好建议、新项目,从而使本厂的产品永居领先水平,为社会服务,为人类造福。 2.产品的质量与信誉 我厂生产的电能表节能控制器是1995年最新专利产品,通过全国各地数万家用户的试用表明,产品质量可靠,合格率达98%以上,并通过了河南省电子厅的检测和认定。建厂6年来连续被焦作市命名为重合同、守信用企业。 3.节电效果 Master electrician: You are good! Dong Kewu, the director of the electronic equipment factory in Fuyang City, Henan Province, led all staff to say hello to the electricians working on the agricultural power front. I wish you a happy year of the Rat and all the best! The work went well and I thought Success! At the beginning of the new year, I talked with electricians from all over the country on the basis of your publication to discuss issues related to the patented products of energy-saving energy-saving controllers. 1. Company Profile Our factory is a local state-owned enterprise in Puyang City, Henan Province. Enterprise No. 41082477383806-3 is a professional manufacturer for the development and production of electronic products, with more than 5 million yuan in fixed assets. Strong technical force, professional engineers 6, 32 technicians, 200 employees all through varying degrees of training. Well-equipped, production lines 4, electronic testing equipment more than 40 Taiwan, the annual output value of more than 4,000 yuan, with the development, development and production of one-stop capability. We sincerely welcome all electricians and masters to come to our factory to guide our work. We sincerely hope that the country will benefit the people, practical and feasible suggestions and new projects, so that our products will always be at the leading level, serving the community, and benefiting humanity. 2. Quality and reputation of the product The power meter energy-saving controller produced by our factory is the latest patented product in 1995. Through the trials of tens of thousands of users across the country, the product quality is reliable, the qualified rate is over 98%, and it passed the Henan Province. E-room testing and certification. The company has been named Jiaozuo City as a contract and trustworthy company for 6 years. 3. Power saving effect
国内贸易部于1996年5月29日至6月1日在广西省北海市召开了全国食品工作会议。 参加会议的有国内贸易部消费品流通司、财会司、经济研究所、中国食品公司、中国肉类协会、中
台湾“电信总局”七月改制 根据完成的《“电信三法”》,台湾电信当局将在7月1日一分为二:电信当局、中华电信股份有限公司。 目前,台湾电信当局的资产总值近4000亿元,大多