Relation between gravitational mass and baryonic mass for non-rotating and rapidly rotating neutron

来源 :物理学前沿 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Hmilts
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With a selected sample of neutron star (NS) equations of state (EOSs) that are consistent with the current observations and have a range of maximum masses,we investigate the relations between NS gravitational mass Mg and baryonic mass Mb,and the relations between the maximum NS mass supported through uniform rotation (Mmax) and that of nonrotating NSs (MTOV).We find that for an EOS-independent quadratic,universal transformation formula (Mb =Mg + A × Mg2),the best-fit A value is 0.080 for non-rotating NSs,0.064 for maximally rotating NSs,and 0.073 when NSs with arbitrary rotation are considered.The residual error of the transformation is ~ 0.1M⊙ for non-spin or maximum-spin,but is as large as ~ 0.2M⊙ for all spins.For different EOSs,we find that the parameter A for non-rotating NSs is proportional to R1.4-1 (where R1.4 is NS radius for 1.4M⊙ in units of km).For a particular EOS,if one adopts the best-fit parameters for different spin periods,the residual error of the transformation is smaller,which is of the order of 0.01M⊙ for the quadratic form and less than 0.01M⊙ for the cubic form (Mb =Mg + A1 × Mg2 + A2 × Mg3).We also find a very tight and general correlation between the normalized mass gain due to spin Δm ≡ (Mmax-MTOV)/MTOV and the spin period normalized to the Keplerian period P,i.e.,log10 Δm =(-2.74 ± 0.05) log10 P + log10(0.20 ± 0.01),which is independent of EOS models.These empirical relations are helpful to study NS-NS mergers with a long-lived NS merger product using multi-messenger data.The application of our results to GW170817 is discussed.
目的:  探讨并验证人脐带间充质干细胞(HUC-MSCs)治疗糖尿病可能与人 IGF1、HGF、PDGFA等干细胞旁分泌因子保护胰岛β细胞功能,改善其活性有关,并初步揭示了这些旁分泌因子保护
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