
来源 :中国组织工程研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Lincon
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背景:采用PCR、ELISA、免疫荧光球法及基因芯片技术进行日本血吸虫的快速检测,需要数小时才能得到结果,并且对日本血吸虫有量的要求,还需配备专门人员、一定的仪器设备,故非常不适用于现场快速检验。目的:制备聚丁二炔纳米粒,并对日本血吸虫进行免疫检测。方法:采用超声分散法制备聚丁二炔纳米粒,并利用其检测日本血吸虫。结果与结论:制备的聚丁二炔纳米粒粒径均匀,分布范围窄,结构稳定。取血吸虫感染兔血清稀释液滴入聚丁二炔免疫纳米粒稀释液中,溶液颜色由蓝变红,颜色变化约20s时,体系有70%~80%发生了颜色变化,在约2min体系颜色变化即基本完成。吸收光谱、透射电镜、激光粒径分布均显示,加入血吸虫感染兔血清后聚丁二炔免疫纳米粒变化很大。表明利用聚丁二炔免疫纳米粒比色检测日本血吸虫操作简便、快速。 Background: The rapid detection of Schistosoma japonicum using PCR, ELISA, immunofluorescence and gene chip technology will take several hours to get the result. To meet the demand of Schistosoma japonicum, special personnel and certain equipment are needed. Very not suitable for quick on-site inspection. Objective: To prepare polybutadiene acetylene nanoparticles and immunodetection of Schistosoma japonicum. Methods: Polybutadienyne nanoparticles were prepared by ultrasonic dispersion method and used to detect Schistosoma japonicum. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: The prepared polybutadienyl nanoparticles have uniform particle size, narrow distribution and stable structure. Take the serum from Schistosoma japonicum infected rabbit dilution diluted antibody diacetylene solution, the color of the solution from blue to red, the color change of about 20s, the system 70% to 80% of the color change occurred in about 2min system color Change is basically completed. Absorption spectra, transmission electron microscopy, and laser particle size distribution showed that the polybutadiene immunoparticles changed greatly after adding rabbit serum infected with Schistosoma japonicum. The results showed that the colorimetric detection of Schistosoma japonicum by polybutadiene alkaloid immunoprecipitation was simple and rapid.
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1989年8月以来,我们用海群生治疗86例小儿顽固性咳喘,效果较满意,现总结如下。 临床资料 男48例,女38例。年龄最大12岁,最小8个月,以2~5岁为多(共59例,占68%)。病例选自反复咳