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  Units 1—2 聽力练习
  Text 1
  W: Tom, I can’t find my pencil in my schoolbag. Did you see it?
  M: Is it on your desk?
  W: Oh, yes. Thank you very much.
  Text 2
  W: Where will you spend this summer vacation?
  M: I’m going to Shanghai with my parents.
  W: Really? Have a good time.
  Text 3
  W: What can I do for you, sir?
  M: Yes, I’m looking for a blue hat for myself.
  Text 4
  W: Excuse me, sir. Could you tell me if there is a restaurant nearby?
  M: Sure, go along the street for about 5 minutes then turn right at the first crossing. You’ll find a Chinese restaurant between a bank and a park.
  W: Thanks.
  M: You’re welcome.
  Text 5
  W: Did you watch the volleyball match yesterday?
  M: Yes, of course. I like volleyball very much.
  W: Do you play it often?
  M: Yes, every day after school.
  Text 6
  M: Hello, Mandy.
  W: Hi, Jim. How’s it going?
  M: Very nice. Tom and I are going to the zoo tomorrow. Do you want to come?
  W: Sure, I’m very interested in animals. When and where do we meet?
  M: We’ll meet at the bus stop behind our school at 9 o’clock in the morning. And we’ll have lunch at the zoo. I know there’s a good restaurant in it.
  W: OK. That’s a deal.
  M: See you.
  Text 7
  W: Come in, please.
  M: Jack told me that you wanted to see me, Mrs Brown.
  W: Yes. You said you can speak Chinese, right?
  M: Ah, yes, I’m really into Chinese culture, and I am learning Chinese on Wednesday and Friday.
  W: That’s perfect. We are opening a new shop in China next month. Do you think you can work there for a year?
  M: Really? I’m very glad to work in China.
  W: That’s it. I believe you can do a good job there. You have a week off to make preparations.
  M: Thank you, Mrs Brown. I won’t let you down.
  Text 8
  W: Good morning, sir. May I help you?
  M: Yes, I need two tickets for the movie tonight.
  W: I’m sorry, we’ve sold out.
  M: How about tomorrow evening?
  W: Well, let me see. Yes, we have many. Do you want to order now?
  M: What time is the movie?
  W: It begins at 7:30 and ends at 9:40.
  M: That’s good. And how much is one ticket?
  W: Thirty dollars.
  M: Please order two tickets for me, and here’s the money. Thank you.
  Text 9   M: Let’s take a break and drink some water. I’m so tired.
  W: OK. You’re really good at basketball.
  M: Thanks. Yes, I love it very much. I watch basketball on TV every week.
  W: Which basketball player is your favorite?
  M: Lebron James. He’s my favorite.
  W: Cool! I like Lebron James, too. He’s a great player. Where did you spend your last vacation?
  M: Suzhou, I traveled there with my parents and grand- parents. It’s a beautiful city.
  W: I know that city. I really want to go there sometime!
  M: Give it a try. Believe me, you’ll have a great time there.
  Text 10
  Last month, I went to Beijing on vacation with my parents and my little sister. The weather was sunny and hot. We stayed in Beijing for a week and had a lot of fun there. Jingshan Park is near our hotel. It was very quiet, and I took a walk there in the morning every day. We visited Tian’anmen Square on the second day. It was very large. There were so many people on the square that I was afraid we might lose my sister. On the third day, we visited the Palace Museum. It was an exciting place and an eye opener. I learned a lot of history there. On the last day, we went to Beihai Park not far away from our hotel. It was really beautiful. I took lots of photos there.
  Units 3—4 聽力练习
  Text 1
  W: Is your milk hot, too?
  M: No, mine is cold.
  Text 2
  W: It’s hot today.
  M: Yes, I think it’s hotter than yesterday.
  Text 3
  W: Where is the hat, please?
  M: It’s on the table.
  Text 4
  W: May I use your phone?
  M: Sure, here it is.
  Text 5
  W: Did you go to Mike’s birthday party last week?
  M: Yes, I did. My father drove me there.
  Text 6
  W: That’s Jason, isn’t it?
  M: Yes, it is. He’s taller than Jim.
  Text 7
  W: Is Mike more outgoing than Jack?
  M: Yes, he is. And Nick is more outgoing than Mike.
  Text 8
  W: Which one is Mary?
  M: The one in the red dress and blue shirt.
  Text 9
  W: Do you like the movie last night?
  M: Very much. I think the music was wonderful!
  W: You really do? I don’t think so.
  Text 10
  W: I think a good friend is like a mirror. How about you?
  M: I don’t agree with you. A good friend is like a book. You can learn from them.
  Text 11
  W: I went to the dancing competition yesterday. It was great. Did you like it?   M: Yes, I did. Lily, my classmate, is a good dancer. She danced very well last night, but she lost. I felt sorry for her.
  W: Which one was Lily?
  M: The one in a blue shirt. Very beautiful.
  W: Oh, I saw her dancing last night. She has short hair, hasn’t she?
  M: No, Lily has long hair. Longer than yours. The one with short hair was Lucy. She was in a blue shirt too. Lucy won the game in the end.
  W: Yes, she is the best dancer in our school, I think.
  M: Hey, why didn’t you join the competition? You can dance, right?
  W: I wanted to, but I hurt my leg last month.
  M: Oh, I’m sorry for that.
  Text 12
  W: Hello. I’m Kate, your new neighbor.
  M: Hi, I’m Jack. How do you like the neighborhood so far?
  W: Pretty good. Are you free now? I want to ask you some questions about this neighborhood.
  M: Sure, go ahead.
  W: Where can I buy the freshest food?
  M: At the supermarket on the next street. It’s between a bank and a bookstore.
  W: That’s great. Is there a cinema around? I like watching movies.
  M: Yes, there are three. Sun Cinema, Star Cinema and Moon Cinema. Sun is the newest. And I think Moon is the best because it has the most comfortable seats.
  W: Cool! Where can I buy clothes?
  M: Well, Mr Dark sells clothes at a good price. Look, it’s just across from us.
  W: That’s very kind of you. Thank you very much!
  M: My pleasure.
  Text 13
  I like watching talent shows. I want to be talented, too. Some of my classmates have talents. Last month, I asked some questions of them.
  Jim is the best writer in my class. He is good at writing funny stories. Everyone else in my class likes to read his stories. They always make us laugh. He writes every day. Tom sings the most beautifully in the school. He won the singing competition last year. Every Monday and Friday, he practises singing with his brother. Jane is better at math than other students. She can always solve the hardest math problems in class. She really likes math and reads a lot of books about it when she is on vacation.
  Now I find out why they are talented. They have one thing in common. They are all working hard and never give up.
  Units 5—6 聽力练习
  Text 1
  M: Thanks a lot for helping me with my math.
  W: You’re welcome. If you have any questions, please come to my office.
  Text 2
  W: When did you get home last night?   M: I left the office at 8:00 pm and it took me 30 minutes to get home.
  Text 3
  M: How often do you wash your car, Mrs Green?
  W: I clean it every day.
  Text 4
  M: What are you doing for your vacation, Sally?
  W: I’m visiting my grandmother.
  Text 5
  W: The library is open from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm on weekdays. On weekends it’s open from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm.
  M: I see.
  Text 6
  M: Kate, do you have English lessons every day?
  W: Yes, we do.
  M: How many English classes do you have in a week?
  W: We have fourteen classes.
  M: Do you have your English classes in the afternoon?
  W: Well, most of them are in the morning. But on Friday, we have two classes in the afternoon.
  M: Do you like English?
  W: Yes, I like it very much.
  Text 7
  W: Hello, Tom. What did your family do this morning?
  M: My father, Mr Brown, sat on the chair outside and enjoyed the sunshine. My mother did some washing and I watered the flowers.
  W: What about your sister?
  M: She cleaned her bedroom.
  W: And what did your family do yesterday evening?
  M: I studied Chinese at home and my father worked very late in his office. My mother watched TV with my sister.
  W: You were so busy.
  M: But we were happy.
  Text 8
  W: Excuse me, I want to buy a skirt for my mother. Do you have any skirts on sale?
  M: Yes, we have. This skirt is on sale.
  W: It’s too short. My mother likes long ones.
  M: What about this skirt?
  W: Sorry, green isn’t her favorite color. Are there any blue ones?
  M: Oh, here is a nice blue one.
  W: Wow! It looks so nice! I can buy one for my sister, too!
  M: Then there are two in all, right?
  W: Yes, please.
  Text 9
  M: Did you see the talk show last night?
  W: Yes, I did. The man spent 10 years in becoming a movie star from a music teacher. It’s amazing.
  M: I agree. You know, his story really makes me excited because I want to be a movie star in the future.
  W: Really? That’s cool! How are you going to do that?
  M: By watching movies, of course. In that way I can learn how actors do in movies.
  W: I believe you can do that! Well, speaking of future, I want to be a pilot.
  M: Why do you want to be a pilot?
  W: I want to see the world. Being a pilot, I can fly around the world most of the time. I think it’s really exciting!   M: That’s true. Let’s keep our promise and try to make it.
  Text 10
  It’s easier to make a resolution than to keep it. At the beginning of this year, I made up my mind to improve my health. I promised myself that I was going to exercise more and eat less unhealthy food. To do this, I made a weekly plan to help me keep up. On the first day, I did everything I planned, and I felt very good. On the second day, I found myself a little tired when I got up, so I took a rest and didn’t exercise that day. On the third day, I didn’t even want to get up early as I planned. I went back to my old way of life and never took another look at my plan.
  Now, this year is coming to its end. I’m planning to learn to play the guitar next year. Maybe I need a partner to keep my resolution together.
  Units 7—8 聽力练习
  Text 1
  W: How do you usually go to school, David?
  M: I usually ride my bike. If it rains, I take my father’s car.
  Text 2
  M: How often do you do your homework, Mary?
  W: Every day, of course.
  Text 3
  W: Where did you go last Sunday?
  M: I wanted to go fishing, but it was rainy. So I stayed at home.
  Text 4
  M: Happy birthday, Anna! Here’s a gift for you.
  W: What a beautiful flower! Thanks very much, Bob.
  Text 5
  W: There’s a basketball game on TV at 8:00 this evening.
  M: Really? I love basketball.
  Text 6
  M: Hello! 8345796.
  W: Hello! Could I speak to Mr Black, please?
  Text 7
  W: Excuse me, how can I get to the Bank of China, please?
  M: Go straight. You’ll find it on your left at the first crossing. It is between the post office and the Chinese Cinema.
  Text 8
  W: Let’s go swimming, shall we?
  M: Why not go to play basketball? It’s more interesting.
  W: Good idea.
  Text 9
  W: Does your class start at 8:20, Sam?
  M: No. It starts 30 minutes earlier.
  Text 10
  W: I’m looking for a coat for my father.
  M: Is it for your father’s birthday?
  W: No, for Father’s Day.
  Text 11
  M: What can I do for you, madam?
  W: I’d like to buy a bicycle as a gift for my son, Bob.
  M: A birthday gift?
  W: Yes. He’ll be fifteen in two weeks.
  M: What do you think of the blue one, size 24?
  W: I like the color. But Bob is a big boy.
  M: What do you think of this one, size 26?   W: It looks good. I’m sure he’ll like it. How much is it?
  M: A hundred and ten dollars.
  W: OK. I’ll take it.
  Text 12
  W: What are you doing now, Jim?
  M: I’m writing my diary, Mom. Where was I last Sunday?
  W: You were in Beihai Park with your friends, I think.
  M: Oh, yes. We had a good time there. We went boating for three hours.
  W: What time were you back home?
  M: About half past five. I was very hungry. I ate too much.
  W: Where were you this Monday?
  M: I went to see a doctor in the hospital in the afternoon. I’m not going to write that in my diary.
  W: Why not?
  M: Because I don’t want to remember it.
  Text 13
  Tom is a famous singer. He is going to take a long vacation this summer! He thought about going to England, but finally decided to go to Canada. “I always take vacations in Europe,” he says. “This time I want to do something different. I hear that Canada is beautiful, and I know there are many people there who speak French.”
  Tom is going to Canada’s Great Lakes. He is going to leave at the first week in June and stay until September. He plans to have a very relaxing vacation. “I’m taking walks, going fishing, and going bike riding. I hope that the beautiful countryside will help me forget all my problems. At night, I will watch films and sleep a lot. I can’t wait. I’ll be a new man when I get back to Paris!”
  Units 9—10 聽力练习
  Text 1
  W: What do you usually have for dinner?
  M: We usually have rice and vegetables. Sometimes we have some beef. But I don’t like it. I like fish best.
  Text 2
  W: What a beautiful card! Is it for your classmate?
  M: No, it’s for my mother. Tomorrow is Mother’s Day!
  Text 3
  W: Excuse me, could you tell me where the nearest hotel is?
  M: Sorry, I’m new here. You may ask that policeman for help.
  Text 4
  W: Excuse me, how much is the dress?
  M: It’s 35 dollars.
  W: OK. I’ll take two.
  Text 5
  W: An old man fell near the school.
  M: Send for a doctor at once!
  Text 6
  W: The English Study Center needs a weekend student helper for primary school students.
  M: I think Jenny should get the job, because she is smarter than others.
  W: But I think Jack is more outgoing.
  M: Yes. But Jenny studies harder than Jack. She is better with children than him, too.   W: OK. Jenny is the best for the job.
  Text 7
  W: What do you want to be when you grow up, Jeff?
  M: I want to be a teacher.
  W: Are you going to move to Beijing?
  M: No, I’m going to move to Shanghai.
  W: And how are you going to be a teacher?
  M: Well, I’m going to learn how to teach children.
  W: When are you going to start your job?
  M: In nine years. I’m going to finish high school and college first.
  Text 8
  M: Hello?
  W: Hi, Robert. It’s Susan. I’ve got your message.
  M: Thanks for calling me back.
  W: So, what’s up?
  M: Well, would you like to go to the East Park tomorrow morning?
  W: Tomorrow morning? I’m afraid I can’t. I’ll have to stay at home and study.
  M: Oh, it’s a pity. How about Sunday morning?
  W: Sure, I’d love to. How shall we get there, by bike or by bus?
  M: What about taking a bus?
  W: That’s OK.
  Text 9
  W: What are you doing on your vacation, Tom?
  M: My family’s visiting my cousins in Washington, but my brother is staying at home. He has to study.
  W: Oh? When are you going?
  M: Next Saturday.
  W: How long are you staying?
  M: We’re staying at my cousins’ house for three days. We’re going to visit Washington, and then we’re going to see some friends in Virginia. What are you doing, Betty? Is your family staying here?
  W: Yes, we’re just going to the beach and relaxing at home. My father and I are going camping for a few days.
  M: Aren’t your mother and your sister going?
  W: No, they can’t stand camping.
  Text 10
  There are 45 students in our class. 36 students say they like doing exercise. Most boys play basketball together twice a week. My friend, Tony, is good at running. He runs fastest in our class. Bob is good at swimming. He goes to the swimming club three times a month in winter, and three times a week in summer. So he’s pretty healthy. Some of my classmates have good eating habits. 70% of them drink milk every day. 15 students say they drink milk three or four times a week. But some students like junk food; Sally is one of them. What’s worse is that she doesn’t like doing exercise, so she is very fat. She always says, “I’m going to do exercise tomorrow.”
第一节(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)  听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话读两遍。  1. What are the speakers talking about?  A. A film.B. A book.C. A person.  2. How
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Units 1—2 听力练习  一、听词选图。每个单词读两遍。  No. 1  violin  No. 2  sing  No. 3  draw  No. 4  walk  No. 5  half  二、听录音,选出你所听到的句子。每个句子读两遍。  No. 6  Linda can play the piano.  No. 7  Alan usually gets up at 6:45.  No
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