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香港最大的纸制品企业英发国际有限公司今年1月在四川的一个展览会上销出100万元人民币的货品。受中国内地巨大市场潜力的鼓舞,英发公司今年将把在内地的分销中心由五个拓展至十三四个城市,主要在东北和华北地区。英发国际有限公司总经理冯志强对记者说,去年,该公司住内地的销售额达到4200万港元,虽然只占公司总销售额的8%,但自1991年起,以每年增长1倍的速度发展。近年来,该公司每年都在内地参加6至8个展览会或百货公司的展销活动,不断推出新款式产品以满足市场需求,并大规模招聘有潜力的销售代理,在中国的销量持续创下佳绩。英发国际有限公司创立于1955年,由印制信纸、信封以及商业表格和名片的小规模家庭式作业,发展成一个上市集团,是世界主要的纸制品供应商之一。英发公司生产的纸制品主要有三类:相册、办公室文具产品及纸品礼盒。早在60年代,英发便开始实行多元化生产,其生产的包装礼盒及其它的纸品产品开始走向国际市场。其后,出口贸易的可观增长令公司的销售重点移至出口方面。 Hong Kong’s largest paper product company, Yingfa International Limited, sold 1 million yuan worth of goods at an exhibition in Sichuan in January this year. Encouraged by the huge market potential in mainland China, Yingfa Company will expand its distribution center in the Mainland from five to 13 cities this year, mainly in the Northeast and North China. Feng Zhiqiang, general manager of Yingfa International Co., Ltd., told reporters that last year, the company’s sales in the Mainland reached HK$42 million. Although it only accounted for 8% of the company’s total sales, it has grown at a rate of 1 time per year since 1991. development of. In recent years, the company has participated in 6 to 8 exhibitions or department store sales events in the Mainland each year, continuously launching new-style products to meet market demands, and recruiting potential sales agents on a large scale. Sales in China continue to achieve outstanding results. . Founded in 1955, Yingfa International Co., Ltd. has grown into a listed company from small-scale home-based operations that print stationery, envelopes, and business forms and business cards. It is one of the world’s leading paper product suppliers. There are three main types of paper products produced by Yingfa: photo albums, office stationery products and paper gift boxes. As early as the 1960s, the company began to implement diversified production, and its production of packaging boxes and other paper products began to move toward the international market. Since then, the considerable increase in export trade has shifted the company’s sales focus to exports.
盼呀盼,终于盼到了我校一年一度的冬季运动会。你瞧,操场上人山人海,热闹非凡。而位于操场西头那一片整齐的方阵便是我们六(5)班了。 I hope hope, I finally hoped for our
一天,我在旧货市场闲逛,突然发现一个小摊位上有一根像火柴一样的金属小棒。棒子虽小了点,但闪闪发光,惹人喜爱。我问老板多少钱,老板说一元。我高兴地把它买了下来。回 One
各区、县级市人民政府,市府直属各单位; 现将市体改委《关于我市国有企业改组转制若干问题的请示》批转给你们,请依照执行。广州市人民政府 一九九五年九月十四日 The p
在一本小学六年级的奥数课本上有这样一个题:一张长10厘米,宽6厘米的长方形纸,按图1那样折叠,量得DF=3 In a sixth grade Mathematical Olympiad textbooks have such a que