项南是位思想解放、具有开拓性品格的优秀领导人。1981年—1985年他在主政福建期间,从福建省情的实际出发,提出了许多超前性的设想,领导福建各项工作走向全国先进行列。 首先,在开放方面。福建是经中央批准,在对外经济活动中实行“特殊政策,灵活措施”的省份。但由于客观条件和主观因素的影响和制约,福建的对外开放曾进展缓慢,政策不配套,缺乏具体落实措施。 项南认为,福建一定要发挥开放省份的优势,在对外经济工作方面先走一步。实践证明,闭关自守是没有出路的,只有对外开放,积极学习和引进
Xiangnan is an outstanding leader who has emancipated his mind and has a pioneering character. From 1981 to 1985, during his administration of Fujian Province, from the actual conditions of Fujian Province, he put forward many advanced concepts and led the various tasks of Fujian Province to the advanced ranks of the whole country. First, in terms of openness. Fujian is a province that has been approved by the Central Government to implement “special policies and flexible measures” in its foreign economic activities. However, due to the influence and restriction of objective conditions and subjective factors, Fujian’s opening to the outside world has made slow progress, policies are not compatible and there is no concrete implementation measure. According to Xiang Nang, Fujian must give full play to the advantages of an open province and take the first step in foreign economic work. Practice has proved that there is no way out of retreat, and only open to the outside world, active learning and introduction