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代价问题是当代社会发展中的一个极其重要的问题。本刊本期特组织几位中青年学者从不同角度就代价问题进行了讨论,以期能对学界更深入地解决这一问题有所裨益。邱耕田等基于价值论的视角,分析了必然性代价和人为性代价的内涵、发展与代价的数量关系、发展与代价关系的历史演变性、发展收益与发展代价的逆向互动性等问题,并阐述了社会发展的当然的总体方略;李钢提出,自近代以来,中国传统文化一直处于动荡的转型过程中。然而,由于主要的两种转型路向采取了非此即彼的态度,要么全盘西化,要么中学为体西学为用,中国传统文化不仅没有实现转型的历史任务,反而付出了沉重的代价。反思这一百多年来的文化转型的经验和教训,有助于我们创造出适应现代中国社会发展的中国现代文化;施惠玲从现代性的维度审视了现代化、全球化进程中的代价问题,把代价看做现代性的危机与困境,并力图阐析全球化、现代性与代价之间复杂交织的关系;王林平提出,马克思的代价概念不仅是价值哲学层次上的范畴,而且还是一个奠基于现代性基础上的关系范畴。 The question of cost is an extremely important issue in the development of contemporary society. In this issue, several young and middle-aged scholars from the special organization discussed the issue of price from different perspectives, with a view to being able to solve the problem more deeply for academics. Based on the theory of axiology, Qiu Gengtian analyzed the connotation of the inevitability and human cost, the quantitative relationship between development and cost, the historical evolvement of the relationship between development and cost, the reverse interaction between development benefit and development cost, and so on Social development, of course, general strategy; Li Gang proposed that since the modern era, China’s traditional culture has been in turmoil in the process of transition. However, since the two major transformational approaches have taken either one or the other attitude toward either Westernization or Westernization for Western Learning, not only has Chinese traditional culture failed to fulfill its historical mission of transformation, but has paid a heavy price. Reflecting on the experience and lessons of this century’s cultural transformation helps us to create a modern Chinese culture that is adaptable to the development of modern Chinese society. From the modernity perspective, Shi Hui-ling has examined the issue of the cost of modernization and globalization. The cost is regarded as the crises and predicaments of modernity and attempts to clarify the complex and intertwined relations between globalization, modernity and cost. Wang Linping proposed that Marx’s concept of cost is not only a category on the philosophical level of value, but also a foundation that is based on modern Sexual relations based on the category.
米兰·昆德拉说过:“青春的罪恶感归结为期待着长大的烦躁不安。”对于这句话最好的注解就是《麦田里的守望者》这本书,该书再现了一个苦闷、彷徨的少年世界,从浓缩后的青春背影引发的是对整个青春成长的反思和追问。  作家刘亮程说过:“马老得走不动时,或许才会明白世上的许多事情,才会知道世上许多路该如何去走。”马无法把一生的经验传授给另一匹马。那些年轻的、活蹦乱跳的马儿,从来不懂得恭恭敬敬地向一匹老马请教,它
“周岁生日六十寿”是我国千百年来流传下来的习俗。然而,在发展市场经济的今天,在90年代的军营,一些十七八岁的士兵们也津津乐道摆起他们的“生日宴”。A “生日宴”悄悄兴