Urban Exodus—Where Should Environmental Immigrants Go?

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  Haze, air pollution, cancer and exhaust gas emission have recently become the focus of the media and the public. Haze for days spotlighted the problem of “environmental immigrants” caused by environmenal problems.
  In 2010, Shanghai Expo put forward the slogan: City makes life better. However, after three years, what we see is the trend that people are leaving the city gradually. The deterioration of living environment leads to new “environmental immigrants”. Where should they go to find a breathable homeland?
  Escaping from cities: Where is my home?
  Recently, New York Times reported: “When billions of Chinese people, including farmers in poverty, leave their hometown to hunt for jobs in vigorous cities, some urban dwellers decide to immigrate in the contrary direction instead.” These people are called new “environmental immigrants” in China.
  In the survey, a white-collar of 34 in Shanghai resigned from her well-paid job and moved to Dali to settle down. In her opinion, this choice enabled her to have greater freedom and better living quality. “I think sunshine, clean air and clear water are the real luxuries.” She said, “But in a city, you can’t get these precious things.”
  There is a similar case. Gary Faye Locke’s resignation a few days ago maybe had something to do with air pollution. Fortune China reported: “Although Gary Faye Locke may never disclose how air pollution affects his leaving, his resignation had caused the hot discussion about living environment.”
  Indeed, Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and other first-tier cities where population is saturated have become the main birthplaces of “environmental immigrants”. In the face of increasing deteriorating environmental crisis, people prefer remote villages with beautiful natural sceneries to migrate to. Although there is no reliable estimation about the number of immigrants, New York Times reported that these “environmental immigrants” from cities come from different walks of life – businessmen, artists, teachers, cooks, etc. Many of them belong to the new middle class in China. According to the survey, they begin their life of environment protection in the vast area from the middle of Anhui Province to remote Tibet.
  Increasing pressure of immigration
  “Environmental immigrants” has become the new identity of people who escape from cities. Environmental deterioration makes some people move in different cities and other people immigrate abroad. Xiaozhang, a consultant in Chinese Immigrating Net, said, “In the cases of applying for immigration, the rate of immigrating because of environmental factors increases greatly.” Besides, the reporter found that most people would like to immigrate to Europe. Benita Ferrero Waldner, a specialist of EU in external policies and Javier Solana, a senior representative of foreign affairs in European Commission, stressed in their recent report: “Europe should sufficiently estimate the increasing pressure of immigration.”   It is human nature and understandable for human beings to move away from the bad environment and find a more livable city, which is what most immigrants think. Some ethnic Chinese in the Chinatown of London told the reporter: “The reason we move here is for the better life with cleaner air and greener environment.” But local citizens there have different opinions. A lawyer in London said, “With a large number of foreigners coming, the environment in London bears too much burden. The city has become more crowded and the air pollution becomes more serious.”
  “It is a serious problem that immigrants continue to damage the living environment of the cities they move-in. It makes the output of environmental immigrants become the output of people as well as the ecological environment deterioration and poverty. Environmental immigrants, just as environmental disasters, bring bad environment and poverty to a new area. In many developing countries, it has almost become a common phenomenon.” Xu Jiang, professor of Institute of Geochemistry of Chinese Academy of Science, said, “Environmental immigrants alleviate the pressure of the original places but at the same time increase the pressure of the new places.”
  Environmental immigrants increase the carrying capacity of population of move-in cities. Some Australian organizations of environmental immigration said, “The reasonable number of population in Australia should be around 10 million. Now it reaches over 20 million. In fact, the average living standard of these 20 million people has already lowered.”
意大利——一个美丽而古老的国度,凭借其独特的城市风貌,优美的自然风光,丰厚的历史和文化而跻身全世界最热门的旅游胜地之一。当人们沉醉其中,流连忘返之时,或许未曾想到,眼前光鲜亮丽的意大利也曾备受环境问题的困扰。在经济发展面前,这个古老的国家究竟经历过怎样的挣扎和努力来平衡其与生态安全之间的关系,从而守住自然和历史沉淀下来的美丽。带着疑问,记者采访了意大利驻华大使白达宁先生。  蜕变之前  地中海的阳
实际上,新“环境移民”现象的出现也已经把如何打造宜居城市的课题摆在眼前,徐江教授说:“使人类具有一个良好的生存环境的关键在于环境的保护、修复和建设,而不是消极的迁移。”  毋庸置疑,“环境移民”——这批城市新出现的移民群体是以寻求更好的生存环境为初衷,一位正在考虑离开北京的白领告诉记者:“我当然舍不得离开北京,在这里奋斗,在这里定居,是不少中国年轻人的愿望,只是每天望着雾霾的天空,呼吸着污染的空气
2015年6月27日晚,台湾北部消暑胜地新北市八仙水上乐园在举行Color Play狂欢派对时,喷洒的彩色粉末发生粉尘爆炸事故,熊熊燃起的大火造成500多人灼伤,受害者年龄多在18-29岁之间。截至7月23日,已有9人不治身亡,另有170人挣扎于生死线间,境况不容乐观。受爆炸事故影响,新北市原计划举办的贡寮国际海洋音乐祭将无限期延后;上海、沈阳、重庆、日本北海道等地取消“彩色路跑(The Colo
从以色列中西部城市特拉维夫一路向北,沿着美丽的地中海海岸,直到以色列北部港口城市海法,这就是独具“未来气质”的以色列“硅谷”走廊。  外交政策专家丹·塞诺和索尔·辛格曾在《创业的国度》一书中,称以色列人为“高科技的耕耘者”,并揭示了以色列经济奇迹背后的秘密:除了爱国主义、使命感和灾难意识,以色列和犹太人骨子里的好奇和自由的秉性,让这个仅有800多万人口、自然资源匮乏、处于动荡中东的国家,成为了一个
上世纪80年代初,中国煤炭大省——山西被确定为国家能源基地。随之而来的是大批与煤相关的企业以及“煤老板”。然而,2008年以来,山西大力推进煤炭资源整合和煤矿企业兼并重组,大量小煤矿关闭。昔日的煤老板也纷纷转行。五年之后,时至今日,一个名为“乌龙峡”的国家级火山地质公园,在煤炭大省中突出重围,闯入了众人的视野。  从荒草滩到“塞北九寨沟”  乌龙峡自然景观和人文景观都很丰富,用乌龙峡生态旅游区董事
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