
来源 :水土保持通报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:intaaag
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吉县位于晋西吕梁山脉南端,属于梁状黄土丘陵沟壑区,总面积1,777平方公里。沟壑密度每平方公里4.11公里,水土流失严重。全县有11个公社,103个大队,是7.1万农业人口的山区小县。建国以后,在党中央和毛主席的领导下,经过各级党委和广大群众的努力,水土保持工作已经取得一定成绩。但由于“左”的影响,方向不明,措施不力,管理不善,水土流失的严重状况没有得到根本改变。三中全会后,我们解放思想,放宽政策,适应农村生产关系的调整,积极有效地开展了小流域综合治理。三年来,我们坚持“生物措施和工程措施相结合,以生物措施为主”的方针,大搞小流域治理,做 Jixian County is located in the southern tip of the Luliang Mountains in western Shanxi, belonging to the Liang-like loess hilly and gully region, with a total area of ​​1,777 square kilometers. Gully density of 4.11 kilometers per square kilometer, serious soil erosion. The county has 11 communes, 103 brigades, is a small mountainous area of ​​71,000 agricultural population. After the founding of the People’s Republic of China, certain achievements have been made in water and soil conservation work under the leadership of the Party Central Committee and Chairman Mao and through the efforts of party committees at all levels and the general public. However, due to the influence of the “left”, the direction is not clear, the measures are not effective, and the management is not good. The serious situation of soil and water loss has not been fundamentally changed. After the Third Plenary Session of the Third Plenary Session, we emancipated our minds, relaxed our policies, adjusted the relations of rural production, and actively and effectively carried out the comprehensive management of small watersheds. In the past three years, we adhered to the principle of combining biological measures with engineering measures with biological measures as the mainstay
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