
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘.眼科学分册 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:JK0803zhaozhenhong
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Purpose: To examine if central corneal thickness (CCT) is different in emmetropia and high myopia. Methods: 57 emmetropic subjects (0 to+ 1.5 D) and 48 high myopes (all more than- 6 D in spherical equivalent refraction) were studied. CCT was measured by a Haag-Streit Optical Low-Coherence Reflectometry (OLCR) pachymeter, a recently developed high precision pachymeter with a standard deviation (SD) for repeated measurements of 1 μ m. Results: Mean CCT for the emmetropic group was 538.6 μ m (SD=32.1), and for the myopic group 527.7 μ m(SD=35.0). Neither the mean CCT nor the variance from the two groups showed a statistically significant different (p >0.05). Conclusion: CCT is not systematically altered in myopia. The process by which the myopia progresses does not to a measurable degree influence the central cornea. Purpose: To examine if central corneal thickness (CCT) is different in emmetropia and high myopia. Methods: 57 emmetropic subjects (0 to + 1.5 D) and 48 high myopes (all more than 6- D in spherical equivalent refraction) were studied. was measured by a Haag-Streit Optical Low-Coherence Reflectometry (OLCR) pachymeter, a recently developed high precision pachymeter with a standard deviation (SD) for repeated measurements of 1 μιη. Results: Mean CCT for the emmetropic group was 538.6 μιη (SD = 32.1), and for the myopic group 527.7 μ m (SD = 35.0). Neither the mean CCT nor the variance from the two groups showed a statistically significant difference (p> 0.05). Conclusion: CCT is not systematically altered in The process by which the myopia progresses does not to a measurable degree influence the central cornea.
生存着的林分与树木的生理形态有着密切联系.这种联系在外貌上表现在树冠的郁闭上,所谓郁闭度就是相互邻近的树木,侧枝互相接触的程度. 郁闭度是林分特征的表现. 郁闭度的变
大冷杉(Abies Lasioscarpa(Hook)Nutt.)林天然更新不良,在落基山中部主要是一个管理问题.以往的观测和研究揭示了天然更新成功的三个基本必需的条件——(1)大量有生机的种子