根在华夏 情系故土——《华夏故土地图》海南取土仪式侧记

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公元2001年6月2日,中国海南三亚市南山文化旅游区。继《华夏故土地图》推广活动于新世纪第一天和2月24日(农历二月初二)“龙抬头”之日先后在台湾阿里山和北京八达岭长城脚下取土成功后,这里将成为祖国取土仪式的“第三站”。这项活动由“华夏文化纽带工程”组委会主办,《华夏故土地图》是根据专利技术,采集全国各地最有纪念意义和历史文化内涵的原质土壤精制而成的特型地图,用以象征祖国领土的山水相连和中华民族的骨肉之情。海南三亚是中国唯一的热带海滨。南山,又称“鳌山”,因其形似巨鳌且是中国最南端的 June 2, 2001, Nanshan Cultural Tourism Zone, Sanya City, Hainan Province, China. Following the success of the “China Land Map” promotion activity on the first day of the new century and February 24 (Lunar New Year’s Day 2), the “Long Look Up” has succeeded in taking soil at the foot of Great Wall in Alishan, Taiwan and Badaling in Beijing, it will become the motherland here Aboriginal ceremony of the “third stop.” Organized by the Organizing Committee of “Huaxia Culture Linkage Project”, this activity is based on patented technology and collects the original maps of the original soil with the most memorable meaning and historical and cultural connotation all over the country. Symbol of the territory of the motherland is linked to the landscape and the flesh and blood of the Chinese nation. Hainan Sanya is China’s only tropical beach. Nanshan, also known as “Aoshan”, is shaped like a giant Ao and is the southern tip of China
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