当我们被自然历史博物馆里精美而丰富的化石标本陈列品所吸引和陶醉,并因之而流连忘返时,很少会想到这些大自然塑造的精品是经过怎样的过程到博物馆来的。它们是由多少个地质古生物学家、热心的业余化石爱好者、辛勤和仔细的采石工人和矿工们长年累月的搜罗、发掘和保存起来的啊!有些标本还有着一番颇不平凡的经历呢! 这里介绍英国曼彻斯特自然历史博物馆收藏的一块名叫“克莱顿树”的著名标本(见照片)。这棵树只保存了基部的一截,很象现代林区被砍伐树木留下的树桩。不过,它和现代的林木是完全不相同的。
When we are attracted to and intoxicated by the exquisite and rich fossil specimens displayed in the Museum of Natural History, we rarely realize how these natural-made products went to the museum. They are determined by the number of geological paleontologists, enthusiastic amateur fossil enthusiasts, hardworking and careful quarry workers and miners who search through many years, excavation and preservation of ah! Some specimens there is a rather extraordinary experience Here’s a famous specimen called “Clythe Tree” (see photo) from the collection of the Manchester Natural History Museum in England. This tree contains only a section of the base, much like the stumps left by the felling of trees in modern forest areas. However, it is completely different from modern trees.