2004年12月26日上午,印度尼西亚苏门答腊岛附近海域发生强烈地震,并引发海啸,东南亚和南亚一些国家受灾严重。截至12月31日已造成12.5万人死亡,而海啸遇难者最终将超过50万人,仅印尼亚齐省估计就将高达40万人。目前已知印尼亚齐省死亡人数为8万人,苏门答腊岛西岸边上一些小岛甚至完全被淹没,或已经消失了。印尼政府通过空中监测,米拉务、Simeulue岛和Tapak Tuan等地已经不存在生命迹
On the morning of December 26, 2004, a strong earthquake hit the sea off Sumatra Island in Indonesia and caused a tsunami. Some countries in Southeast Asia and South Asia were seriously affected. As of December 31, 125,000 people have been killed, while the tsunami victims will eventually exceed 500,000. Only Aceh in Indonesia is estimated to have up to 400,000. It is known that 80,000 people were killed in Aceh province in Indonesia and some islands along the western bank of Sumatra were even completely submerged or have disappeared. The Indonesian government has no trace of life through air monitoring, rice service, Simeulue Island and Tapak Tuan