巧用现代信息技术 提高德育活动实效

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随着城乡学校信息技术的普及和应用,如何切实发挥信息技术作为德育活动辅助手段的功能,提高德育活动实效,在近几年的校内外德育活动实践中,笔者进行了如下探索。一、巧用现代信息技术,创设情境,激发兴趣作为德育工作者,一直都在努力探索有效途径,创设贴合学生实际的教学情境,使学生积极主动地参与德育活动的整个过程。将现代 With the popularization and application of information technology in urban and rural areas, how to give full play to the function of information technology as an auxiliary means of moral education activities and improve the actual effect of moral education activities, the author has carried on the following exploration in the practice of moral education activities in and outside the school in recent years. First, clever use of modern information technology, create context, stimulate interest As a moral educator, has been working hard to explore effective ways to create students to meet the actual teaching situation, so that students take the initiative to participate in the entire process of moral education activities. Will be modern
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