Relationships between hemorrhage, angioarchitectural factors and collagen of arteriovenous malformat

来源 :Neuroscience Bulletin | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yuanyuanzhujinbo
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Objective While associations between the angioarchitecture of arteriovenous malformations (AVMs) in the brain and pathological features have been described, here we investigated the relationship between the angioarchitecture, the pathological features of the vessel wall, and hemorrhagic events. Methods The study was conducted on 43 patients: 16 with ruptured AVM (rAVM), 15 with non-ruptured AVM (nrAVM), 6 with craniocerebral trauma (control) and 6 with epilepsy (control). The diagnosis of AVM was confirmed by preoperative digital subtraction angiography. Tissues were stained with hematoxylin and eosin and Masson’s trichrome (for collagen fibers) to evaluate the vessel wall structure and endothelial integrity. The content and distribution of collagen types I and III in the vessel wall were assessed by immunohistochemical staining. Results In the nrAVM group, the nidus had more draining veins than the rAVM group (P <0.05). Severely damaged endothelial cells, significantly fewer smooth muscle cells in the media, and hyperplasic type-I and -III collagen fibers were found in the rAVM group. The content of collagen types I and III in rAVMs was higher than that in the nrAVM (P <0.05) and control groups (P <0.01). Conclusion There is an association between angioarchitectural features such as the number of draining veins and the pathological structure of the AVM wall. These abnormalities may contribute to AVM rupture. Objective While associations between the angioarchitecture of arteriovenous malformations (AVMs) in the brain and pathological features have been described, here we investigated the relationship between the angioarchitecture, the pathological features of the vessel wall, and hemorrhagic events. Methods The study was conducted on 43 Patients with 16 with ruptured AVM (rAVM), 15 with non-ruptured AVM (nrAVM), 6 with craniocerebral trauma (control) and 6 with epilepsy (control). The diagnosis of AVM was confirmed by preoperative digital subtraction angiography. Tissues were stained with hematoxylin and eosin and Masson’s trichrome (for collagen fibers) to evaluate the vessel wall structure and endothelial integrity. The content and distribution of collagen types I and III in the vessel wall were assessed by immunohistochemical staining. Results In the nrAVM group, the nidus had more draining veins than the rAVM group (P <0.05). Severely damaged endothelial cells, significantly fewer smooth mu scle cells in the media, and hyperplasic type-I and -III collagen fibers were found in the rAVM group. The content of collagen types I and III in rAVMs was higher than that in the nrAVM (P <0.05) and control groups (P Conclusion There is an association between angioarchitectural features such as the number of draining veins and the pathological structure of the AVM wall. These abnormalities may contribute to AVM rupture.
摘要:农民职业培训关乎我国的民生大计,它的顺利发展对农村的政治、经济和文化都有着积极的影响。本文详细介绍了我国农民职业培训方式等内容,普及了农民职业培训方面的知识,使农村职业教育更好地服务于社会,造福人类。  关键词:农民职业培训 立法 政策 对象 主体  随着经济和科技的迅速发展,社会对知识和人才的需求越来越大。为了促进经济发展,提高科学和技术水平,提升我国综合国力,我们必须大力提高教育水平,促
从幼儿园到入小学,是孩子人生道路上的第一个转折点。无论幼儿园老师、学校的老师,还是家长一定都想为孩子顺利地向小学过渡做好一切准备。因此,幼儿园和小学的衔接工作很重要。说到衔接,可能很多家长想到的会是知识上的衔接,其实更重要的是在心理上让孩子做好上小学的准备,养成良好的习惯。做好幼小衔接工作,可以使我们在教育孩子方面少走许多弯路。  一、升入小学孩子的不适感  孩子们从无忧无虑的幼儿园生活到紧张规律
[摘 要] 招生工作作为成人高等教育的重要环节,对成人高等教育事业发展发挥了重要作用。由于成人高等教育和普通高等教育不同,成人高等教育的招生受各种因素的影响,对招生人数做定量的预测更具有实际意义。由于招生人数每年的分布呈现出不规则的形式,应用灰色系统GM(1,1)模型对成人高等教育招生人数进行预测。结果表明此种模型的预测方法操作简单,精确性较好,实用性强。  [关 键 词] 灰色系统模型;预测;招
徐贲(作者系美国加州圣玛利学院教授)  习俗道德把“妒忌”(envy)视为一种缺德、罪过和恶,这主要是受宗教和文学的影响。  基督教的“七宗罪”分别是饕餮、贪婪、纵欲、懒惰、妒忌、骄傲、愤怒。这成为美国习俗道德的一个基础。在这七宗罪里,妒忌是唯一不能为罪人带来哪怕是短期快乐和满足的,不管妒忌别人的是什么,财富、幸福、地位、成就,妒忌给妒忌者带来的都是内心的痛苦、自我折磨,甚至内心的煎熬。  莎士比