
来源 :时代英语·高三 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ashwingangel
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  What would you call men who went about with hammers and broke all the statues they could find, and who even went into churches and broke the statues there? Probably you would say they were bad men or crazy and should be locked up.
  You would be right, and they would be locked up nowadays. But long ago (about 800 AD) such men were not bad or crazy, and no one tried to lock them up. They broke statues because they thought statues were too much like idols. They thought a church especially should have nothing like an idol or an image in it. An image is called in Greek an icon and these men were called iconoclasts, which means image smashers. They smashed a great many statues, and the poor sculptors had to move away from the cities where the iconoclasts were if they still wanted to make statue.
  However, the iconoclasts didn’t seem to mind small sculptures in relief. And so in the time of the iconoclasts and for many years afterward many beautiful bas reliefs in ivory, silver, and gold were made. The carvings in ivory were used as the covers of books, writing tablets, and little boxes. The place to see them now is in museums where they are kept carefully in glass cases. When you look at them, remember the iconoclasts and why there were no good statues in the full round for a long time after the Romans.
  Some sculptors had to leave Byzantium—the old name for Constantinople which was the old name for Istanbul—because of the iconoclasts. They traveled to France and carried on their work there. And it is to France that we turn for our next great statues. They belong to the Middle Ages, several hundred years after the iconoclasts. And, strangely enough, these statues were all carved for churches—just what the iconoclasts didn’t want! In fact, the churches were simply covered with statues, which were made of the same kind of stone as the buildings and not of marble like the Greek and Roman statues.
  不过崇拜雕塑破坏者似乎并不破坏小型的浮雕作品。所以,即使在“破坏者”当道的时代,以及之后的很多年里,很多用象牙、白银、黄金做成的精美的小型浅浮雕被保留了下来。比如象牙制成的小浮雕通常用在书的封面、镇纸板以及小盒子上。在博物馆我们可以看到这类象牙浮雕,它们现在被小心翼翼地保存在玻璃罩子里,仅供人观赏。看到这种浮雕作品时,你就应该记起崇拜雕塑破坏者来了,因为正是他们使得在古罗马之后的很长一段时间里,都没有好的大型圆雕作品的出现。   也正因为崇拜雕塑破坏者的存在,许多雕塑家不得不离开位于土耳其的拜占庭(拜占庭后来改名为君士坦丁堡,现在叫伊斯坦布尔——译者注),带着他们未完成的作品前往法国,继续他们的雕刻工作。也正是在后来的法国,出现了一批伟大的革新雕像作品。这些雕像出现于中世纪时期,也就是在崇拜雕塑破坏者时代的几百年之后。奇特的是,中世紀时期的这些雕像都是为教堂而雕刻的,而这却正是崇拜雕塑破坏者最不希望看到的。实际上,中世纪时期的教堂被雕像覆盖了,这些雕像使用的材料和修建教堂时用的普通的石头一样,而不再是那种古希腊或古罗马雕像所用的大理石了。
  Word Study
  idol /'a?dl/ n. 偶像;神像
  smash /sm??/ v. 打破,破碎
  relief /r?'li?f/ n. 浮雕;浮雕法;浮雕作品
  The bronze doors are covered with sculpted reliefs.
  These statues were really part of the churches. The cathedral at Chartres, in France, has not less than ten thousand figures of men and animals on it. They are everywhere—over the doorways, on the columns, on the roof, under the windows, on the walls. Even the waterspouts are carved in the forms of queer animals.
  Most of the people of the Middle Ages could neither read nor write, so all these sculptures on the churches took the place of books. They told the people stories of the Bible and of the saint. You see they were useful as well as ornamental.
  They are called Gothic figures because churches and cathedrals of the Middle Ages were built in the Gothic style. The Gothic figures on a cathedral are of almost every kind of living thing you could think of. There are scenes from the Bible, statues of saints, carvings of animals and flowers, pictures in stone of the seasons, of different kinds of work like farming and writing, wood chopping and fighting. There are figures of men and women, of actual creatures and of strange unheard-of make-believe creatures. And each of these figures was made for that particular part of the cathedral where it was placed. The statues were not stuck on after the cathedral was built. They were a part of it, built into it, and made of the same stone.
  Do you remember when you had a sore throat and had to gargle? On the Gothic churches there are statues that gargle. They don’t have sore throats, of course, but they gargle every time it rains. They are rain spouts and have holes in them so water can run out through their mouths. Like the statues that told the stories of the Bible, they are useful as well as ornamental. We call them gargoyles, which is another way of saying they gargle.
  The gargoyles were carved in the shapes of the queerest animals you can think of. Some have heads like monkeys, some have three heads, some have their tongues sticking out as if they were making faces. Some have claws like eagles, others hands like men.
  The queer animals that weren’t made to gargle are called grotesques. Most of them are up near the roof like the gargoyles and seem to be looking down and laughing at the people on the ground. The sculptors on the old cathedrals must have enjoyed carving their grotesques and gargoyles.   法国的这些雕像已经成为教堂的一部分了。极具典型的是法国沙特尔大教堂,这座教堂里雕像无处不在,教堂的门道上、柱子上、屋顶上、窗沿上,更不用说墙壁上了,总共有一万多幅人物和动物雕像,甚至连排水槽都被刻上了奇怪的动物造型。
  Word Study
  queer /kw??(r)/ adj. 奇怪的;反常的
  gargle /'ɡɑ?ɡl/ v. 含漱;漱喉
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摘 要:教育部关于印发《高等学校课程思政建设指导纲要》的通知中指出,全面推进课程思政建设,就是要寓价值观引导于知识传授和能力培养之中,帮助学生塑造正确的世界观、人生观、价值观,这是人才培养的应有之义,更是必备内容[1]。雷锋精神是社会主义核心价值观的生动体现,并且还在实践中不断丰富和发展着。该文以汽车类专业课程中的《起动系统不工作故障检修》项目教学为例,将雷锋精神作为课程思政的载体,融入到课程教学
入刊理由:文山州砚山县是中国三七之乡,有着连通泛珠、对接东盟的良好区位优势,县域内资源丰富,经济基础强,产业发展潜力巨大。砚山县利用区位优势承接东部产业转移,利用资源优势发展高原特色农业,利用政策优势吸引商家企业入驻,2011年被云南省政府评为云南县域经济发展先进县。  这是一片充满生机和希望的热土,  她如一颗乍放光芒的宝石,  镶嵌在巍峨雄峻的六诏山脉之中。  这里是三七花最早开放的地方,  
“M” is for the million things she gave me,  “O” means only she’s growing old,  “T” is for the tears she shed to save me,  “H” is for her heart of purest gold,  “E” is for her eyes, with the love-light
摘 要:在1+X证书制度背景下,构建课证融合的教学改革是推行证书制度试点工作要求的一项重要措施,《数控铣床操作与编程》是数控技术专业的一门核心职业技能课程,学生能否考取数控铣加工的专业技能证,需具备满足相关专业知识与技能及职业能力素养。本课程实例采用课证融合教学改革模式,重构教学内容,将教学目标与职业技能考证目标相融合,教学内容与考证大纲要求相融合,结合职业素养思政教育贯穿整个教学过程。通过实践证
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