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   Moons “Dance” Around Pluto
   In a very touching gesture, the New Horizons probe is carrying the ashes of Pluto’s discoverer, American astronomer Clyde Tombaugh注3. In the canister[小罐] with the ashes is an inscription[题词] from Alan Stern, the head of the New Horizons mission: “Interned[被拘禁的] herein[于此] are remains of American Clyde W. Tombaugh, discoverer of Pluto and the solar system’s ‘third zone.’ Adelle and Muron’s boy, Patricia’s husband, Annette and Alden’s father, astronomer, teacher, punster, and friend: Clyde W. Tombaugh (1906-1997).”
   Tombaugh will continue his trip aboard New Horizons, crossing into a new frontier of the solar system beyond Pluto, carrying humanity’s hopes and aspirations with him.
   There’s a chaotic[混乱的] dance going on at the far end of our solar system. It involves Pluto and five of its closest friends, a study finds.
   Hubble Space Telescope images[图像] of Pluto, its largest moon Charon and tinier moons Styx, Nix, Hydra and Kerberos注1 show the odd movements of these six distant objects. It’s like a dance. But it is unlike anything in our solar system to date[迄今为止].
   What makes it so odd is that there’re two sets of dances going on. First, Pluto and Charon are locked together in their own waltz. It is “as if they are a dumbbell[哑铃]” with a rod connecting them, this according to study author Mark Showalter of the SETI注2 Institute in California. It’s the solar system’s only binary[具有两个的] planet system.
   “It’s pretty darn[=damn] weird,” Showalter said.
   But Pluto and Charon aren’t alone. And that’s where it gets more complicated.
   The four little moons circle the Pluto-Charon combo[联合体]. They wobble[摇摆] a bit when they go closer to either Pluto or Charon. They are being pushed and pulled by the two bigger objects.
   Those four moons orbit[绕……轨道而行] Pluto-Charon in a precise rhythmic[有节奏的] way. But there is a twist[扭转]. They also interact[互相作用] when they near each other. So it seems like they all dance to one overall beat, but not quite in the same way. They are just doing their own thing, said planetary[行星的] scientist Heidi Hammel of the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy.
  “It’s kind of like you’d see at a Grateful Dead注3 concert,” Hammel said. She wasn’t part of the study, but she praised it as giving us a glimpse of what might be happening in other distant star systems, where there are two stars and planets that revolve around them. It is like the mythical[虛构的] Star Wars world of Tatooine注4.
中关村是中国科技创新的一面旗帜。1978年,“科学的春天”和十一届三中全会的春风唤醒了这个全国科教智力资源最密集的地方,一批科研人员勇敢走出大院大所的“围墙”,下海创办民营高科技企业,点燃了技术变财富的“火种”。经过40年的发展,中关村如今已成长为世界知名的科创基地。  中关村40年所走过的道路,所积累的经验,无论是对科技创新机制、观念的突破,对技术创新环境的营造,还是其间市场经济的破土发展及其所
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對于英国人而言,每年圣诞节都有一个传统,那就是圣诞节当天下午三点的女王圣诞致辞。这是在英国政府不提供意见的情况下由女王亲自撰稿的公开发表个人看法的演讲。 女王的讲话会包含自己对一年世界大事的见解,用最适中的语速、最皇室范的英音对全世界播出。在今年的圣诞致辞里,女王提到了法国的恐怖袭击,提到了二战胜利70周年,提到四世同堂“长寿的乐趣”——夏洛特公主的降生,还提到她对来年的祝福……   我们一起聆
摘 要:在很多数学课堂上,教师所讲授的内容是学生通过自学课本完全能够获得的,教师所呈现的知识生成、生长过程是学生早已所知悉的,导致数学学习缺乏吸引力。在数学课堂上,要让数学思维的火花时时迸发:一是把握思维提升的契机,二是设计陷阱问题让学生在反思中成长,三是改变数学认知过程的假性呈现。  关键词:数学教学;数学思维;教学反思;课堂魅力  中图分类号:G623.5 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1009-
【诗歌欣赏】  柳  李商隐  曾逐东风拂舞筵,乐游春苑断肠天①。   如何肯到清秋日,已带斜阳又带蝉!  咏柳  曾巩  乱条犹未变初黄,倚得东风势便狂。  解把飞花蒙日月,不知天地有清霜。   【读后思考】   (1)两首咏柳诗中,李诗以柳自喻,曾诗以柳喻人(喻指社会上的某种人),请简要分析两首诗的表达方式、思想感情有什么不同。   (2)请结合作品,简要分析李
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〔中图分类号〕 F120.4 〔文献标识码〕 A〔文章编号〕0447-662X(2021)09-0041-11一、引言  2021年7月中下旬,中国河南省遭遇了历史罕见的极端强降雨天气。作为极端天气的一种,强降雨一直是造成重大灾害的一种重要风险源。当暴露在强降雨中的人类社会缺乏足够的韧性来免受其影响,从而使得强降雨对人类造成重大生命和财产损失,那么强降雨就导致了灾害。一般来说,强降雨致灾的途径包括