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目的寻找适宜方式提高流动人口女性生殖健康知识水平,改善其有关的生殖健康态度及行为。方法在武汉市9个城区随机抽取流动人口女性120人作为研究对象,由生殖健康专家向流动人口女性讲授基本知识,并在讲授前和讲授后一周采用同样的问卷了解女性流动人口的生殖健康知识的掌握情况。结果流动人口已婚女性生殖健康及性传播疾病知识中相当一部分干预后的知晓率比干预前提高了11.32%-21.7%;但一些专业性较强但在日常生活中应用较多的生殖健康知识干预后未见提高。结论短期健康教育能够提高流动人口已婚女性生殖健康基本知识的知晓,对短期健康教育的内容要加以改进,对专业性较强的知识要反复强化。 Objective To find suitable ways to improve female reproductive health knowledge of floating population and to improve their related reproductive health attitude and behavior. Methods A total of 120 female migrant women were randomly selected from 9 urban districts in Wuhan. The reproductive health experts explained the basic knowledge to migrant women and used the same questionnaire to understand the reproductive health knowledge of female migrants before and after the lecture Grasp the situation. Results A significant proportion of the knowledge of female reproductive health and sexually transmitted diseases in floating population was 11.32% -21.7% higher than that before intervention. However, some reproductive health knowledge which is more specialized but used more in daily life No improvement after intervention. Conclusion Short-term health education can raise the awareness of the basic knowledge of reproductive health of married women in floating population, improve the content of short-term health education, and reinforce the knowledge of more specialized ones.