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目标ET(evapotranspiration)是当今水资源研究的前沿,基于目标ET的区域水资源管理是针对一定范围(区域)内的综合ET值与当地的可利用水资源量的对比关系,进行水资源的分配或对ET进行控制的管理办法.通过提高水资源的利用效率,减少社会水分循环系统中不可回收水量,使同等水分消耗条件下生产效率得以大幅提高,从而达到资源节水的目的;在满足地下水不超采、农民不减收、环境不破坏的条件下进一步合理分配各部门和各行业可用水量,通过调整产业结构和应用各种节水新技术新方法,解决各部门和各行业(包括环境和生态用水)之间的竞争用水问题,达到整个区域的水量平衡.根据资源节水的理念,提出区域目标ET的定义、分项指标体系和制定原则,并结合分布式水文模型和土壤墒情提出一套计算区域目标ET的方法体系. The target ET (evapotranspiration) is the frontier of today’s water resources research. Based on the target ET, the regional water resources management is to allocate water resources according to the contrast between the comprehensive ET value in a certain range (region) and the local available water resources Or control of ET by improving the utilization efficiency of water resources and reduce the non-recoverable water in the social water cycle system so that the production efficiency can be substantially increased under the same water consumption conditions, so as to achieve the purpose of water resources conservation; to meet the groundwater Not over-exploitation, farmers do not reduce revenue, under the conditions of the environment is not damaged to further rationalize the allocation of water available to various sectors and industries through the adjustment of industrial structure and the application of new water-saving technologies and new methods to solve various sectors and industries (including the environment And ecological water) to reach the water balance in the whole region.According to the concept of resource-saving and water saving, this paper proposes the definition, sub-index system and formulation principle of regional target ET, and proposes a combination of distributed hydrological model and soil moisture content A set of methodology to calculate regional target ET.
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