体外受精-胚胎移植(IVF-ET)是不孕症的现代治疗手段之一,若IVF-ET的成功主要是由受孕率判断,则最重要的成功则是IVF-ET双亲可有一个健康的孩子。然而,产科和儿科的IVF-ET受孕结果方面的数据是很少的,有关随访大于1岁儿童的研究就更少了。本文研究的目的就是与在1982年和1989年间连续在法国Clamart,Antoine Beclere医院出生的422个全体IVF-ET儿童联系,并象评估他们父母亲的健康一样评估这些儿童。 所有这些儿童都是使用经典的IVF-ET技术而怀孕,用柠檬酸克罗米芬和/或促性腺
In vitro Fertilization-Embryo Transfer (IVF-ET) is one of the modern treatments for infertility. If the success of IVF-ET is largely determined by the pregnancy rate, then the most important success is that IVF-ET parents can have a healthy child. However, data on IVF-ET fertility outcomes in obstetrics and pediatrics are scarce, and there is even less research on follow-up of children older than 1 year old. The purpose of this study was to contact 422 IVF-ET children born in Antoine Beclere Hospital, Clamart, France, consecutively between 1982 and 1989 and to assess these children as if they were assessing the health of their parents. All of these children are pregnant using classical IVF-ET technology with clomiphene citrate and / or gonadal