
来源 :中国实验血液学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wj3722858
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The objective of the study is to find out the effect of shark chondroitin on T lymphocyte subsets in cancer patients. Patients were divided into two groups. One group was treated with chemotherapy alone, and the other group was treated with chemotherapy plus shark chondroitin. Using immunofluorescence technique, T lymphocyte subsets in the peripheral blood were determined in two groups before and after chemotherapy. The results showed that CD4 +/CD8 + ratio increased in the patients received shark chondroitin. In the chemotherapy group, CD3 + had no change, but CD4 + decreased while CD8 + increased significantly. The results suggest that shark chondroitin could enhance immune function in cancer patients, especially during chemotherapy. The objective of the study is to find out the effect of shark chondroitin on T lymphocyte subsets in cancer patients. Patients were divided into two groups. One group was treated with chemotherapy alone, and the other group was treated with chemotherapy plus shark chondroitin. Using The immunofluorescence technique, T lymphocyte subsets in the peripheral blood were determined in two groups before and after chemotherapy. The results showed that CD4 +/CD8 + ratio increased in the patients received shark chondroitin. In the chemotherapy group, CD3 + had no change, but CD4 + decreased while CD8 + increased significantly. The results suggest that shark chondroitin could enhance immune function in cancer patients, especially during chemotherapy.
1 前言遵化市建龙钢铁总厂现有高炉四座,年产生铁可达50多万t。我厂从抓精料人手,努力提高烧结矿、球团矿的品位,改善焦炭质量,同时探索合理的炉料结构和装料制度,减少入炉
1 概述柳钢炼铁厂原喷煤系统于1993年2月建成投入使用。制粉工艺采用球磨机(2500×3900型)配二级风机、二级旋风收尘,额定出力为10t/h。喷吹系统采用不完全双罐并列 1 Over
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