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党中央关于进一步加强预备役部队建设的《意见》指出,预备役部队是国防后备力量建设的重点。我军预备役部队无论是战时还是平时,都是保卫祖国、建设祖国的一支重要力量。只有在更高的层次和起点上谋划和推进预备役部队建设,才能肩负起党和人民赋予的神圣使命,才能更好地为全面建设小康社会提供强有力的安全保障。我区预备役部队经过调整改革,已进入了健康发展的时期。但是,还面临着许多困难和问题,需要按照党中央的有关精神,继续深化改革,抓好各项建设。本期重点宣传的河北某预备役炮兵师,自转隶以后,紧紧围绕新军事变革谋划部队建设思路,起点高、工作实、力度大、亮点多,从多方面为全区预备役部队建设提供了宝贵经验,值得我们在贯彻落实党中央的有关精神,抓好部队创新发展的过程中加以借鉴。 The “Opinions” of the Party Central Committee on Further Strengthening the Construction of Reserve Corps indicates that reserve forces are the focus of the defense reserve forces’ construction. Our army reserve forces, both in times of war and peace, are an important force for defending and building the motherland. Only by planning and advancing the construction of reserve forces at a higher level and starting point can we shoulder the sacred mission entrusted by the party and the people so as to provide better security for building an overall well-to-do society. After the readjustment and reform of our reserve forces, our zone has entered a period of sound development. However, we still face many difficulties and problems. We must continue to deepen the reform and do a good job in all aspects of construction in accordance with the spirit of the Central Party Committee. In the current issue, a reserve artillery division in Hebei Province has made great efforts to raise the bar for army building and has made great efforts and highlighted many key points. It has provided valuable information for the construction of reserve forces throughout the region since its rotation. Experience deserves our help in carrying out the spirit of the party Central Committee and grasping the innovative development of the armed forces.
广东省经济学会、商业经济学会、对外经济贸易学会、广州市计划学会等单位联合于4月4日在广州召开学术报告座谈会,邀请美国富布勤斯特 The Guangdong Provincial Economics
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