Cobalt Triarylcorroles with Sterically Hindered Haloginated Phenyl Rings:Synthesis,Crystal Structure

来源 :结构化学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qiyueliuhua
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Three new cobalt triarylcorroles with sterically hindered haloginated phenyl rings were synthesized and characterized by UV-vis, ~1H NMR spectroscopy, mass spectrometry and electrochemistry. The compounds are represented as(Ar)3Cor Co(PPh3), where Cor is a trianion of the corrole macrocycle and Ar is a 2-Cl Ph(1), 2,6-diC l Ph(2) or 2,6-diF Ph(3) group on each of the three meso-positions. The structures of 1 and 3 were characterized in the solid state by single-crystal X-ray analysis. Rotating-disk electrode was utilized to examine the electrocatalytic activity of the corroles for reduction of O_2 in 1.0 MHClO_4. Effect of the sterically hindered meso-substituents on UV-vis spectra and redox potentials as well as the electrocatalytic activity for reduction of dioxygen was discussed. Three new cobalt triarylcorroles with sterically hindered haloginated phenyl rings were synthesized and characterized by UV-vis, ~ 1H NMR spectroscopy, mass spectrometry and electrochemistry. The compounds were represented as (Ar) 3Cor Co (PPh3), where Cor is a trianion of the corrole macrocycle and Ar is a 2-Cl Ph (1), 2,6-diC l Ph (2) or 2,6-diF Ph (3) group on each of the three meso-positions. The structures of 1 and 3 were characterized in the solid state by single-crystal X-ray analysis. Rotating-disk electrode was utilized to examine the electrocatalytic activity of the corroles for reduction of O_2 in 1.0 MHClO_4. Effect of the sterically hindered meso-substituents on UV-vis spectra and redox potentials as well as the electrocatalytic activity for reduction of dioxygen was discussed.
类风湿关节炎(rheumatoid arthritis,RA)是以对称性多关节炎为主要表现的慢性、进行性、侵蚀性疾病。
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