脚踏实地,行胜于言。中国软件界将记住这一天。这是一个划时代的日子,洪恩软件再次以铿锵有力的声音向社会宣布:中国正版软件行业将跨入一个崭新的时代。中国软件业伴随着世界IT行业的风风雨雨走过了近20个春秋,置身于民族软件事业的人们一直在默默无闻地为中国软件的发展贡献着自己的青春、热血,为中国科技事业的进步努力奋进。可以肯定地说,在不久的将来,这些中国软件业的精英还将继续为中国的科技赶超世界先进水平作出不可磨灭的贡献,而我们也正在为此而不懈努力着…… 但是,我们做得还远远不够,因为我们还没有真正彻底地做到“真心服务千万家”。作为洪恩人,我们常常问自己:我们做的一切,真的能让那些执着地支持民族软件的用户满意吗?真的能让洪恩近百万用户感到物超所值吗?还不能,我们诚心地这样认为。
Down to earth, the line is better than words. Chinese software community will remember this day. This is an epoch-making day. Once again, Hongen Software announced to the public with a sonorous voice: China’s genuine software industry will enter a brand new era. China’s software industry along with the world IT industry ups and downs gone through nearly 20 years of spring and autumn, exposure to the national software industry people have been unknown to the development of China’s software contribute their youth, blood, for the advancement of China’s science and technology Work hard. To be sure, these elites in China’s software industry will continue to make indelible contributions to the advancement of China’s technology in catching up with the advanced world level in the near future, and we are making unrelenting efforts to this end. However, we do It is far from enough, because we have not truly and completely fulfilled the goal of “serving ten million people with sincerity.” As Honin, we often ask ourselves: Do all of us really make the users who are dedicated to supporting national software, and do we feel that millions of users of Honen feel good value for money? No, we sincerely Think so.